Years of practice doesn't change the fact

No, they didn’t, bro. The vast majority of vanilla WoW players never raided and didn’t give two craps about it. Do you seriously think that’s changed? Because it hasn’t.

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You are articulating the situation accurately.

Disingenuous strawman argument is exactly what this is.

They know it too:)

Everyone on the classic side complaining Rag has been made easy, and everyone anti classic saying Rag was always easy are insulting the Guild who did this.

What they did required perfect preparation. Those greens were not trash, they were exactly what they needed farmed. They made no mistakes.

What made classic so hard and what makes classic raids so difficult still is you needed 40 people who were on the same page. These guys have been for 5 years.

They did something very difficult that took a lot of preparation and 5 years of practice.

Reading is apparently hard for you. Stop struggling bro.

You keep bringing this up. The greens those guys were wearing literally outperformed MC’s actual loot due to absurdly powerful secondaries that didn’t exist when MC first dropped.

Classic is running post-Naxx mechanics and drop tables. They’re using tools that weren’t available on launch.


I will trust Blizzard who has a copy of the game to compare Classic to over your memory of something you did 15 years ago. I’m sure it is scaled fine.


So like…the encounter is undertuned? Glad you agree.

People need to think more like this person.

More accurate to say they overpowered it with what’s effectively catch-up gear. Something that should be very familiar to the retail crowd.

They also substituted FR gear with a buff from an external dungeon that requires you to blast through the place very quickly without dying (1 hour, expires on death). It was available back then, but only the most hardcore folks used it for more than farm runs. And on launch, it wasn’t tenable as your only FR because your healers would oom – late-patch spellpower made that possible.

i don’t care if its under tuned or working as intended i want a challenge they should tune it up to match some sort of challenge make classic what everyone remembers even if it wasn’t

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Um, making the raids harder doesnt take away from the social aspects of the game. In fact it gives the opportunity to create even stronger bonds.

They already told us they’re using 1.13 balancing instead of 1.2. It absolutely is undertuned, especially with 16 debuffs instead of 8.

Here’s the thing… If you really care about how the server is tuned, you have options, like creating your own Vanilla server and tuning it exactly how you like. I’m pretty sure, however, that tuning raid bosses to be ultra difficult isn’t something that’s popular, or there would probably be some Vanilla servers tuned that way already…

that tuning raid bosses to be ultra difficult isn’t something that’s popular, or there would probably be some Vanilla servers tuned that way already…

Lol, if only the world worked that way.

More spells are on the GCD in classic than retail. You REALLY sure you want to take this as an argument point?

Burden of proof lies with those making the claims or have you never had a real argument before?

Is that how you talk to people irl? Get help.

16 debuffs instead of 8. Increased CD on rags abilities. Happy now? This is all public well known info, you can crawl back to your hole now.

Citation required. Also I am sure those debuff slots really helped all their dps. You know…all those frost mages and fury warriors that don’t have debuffs.

If it is so easy to find it shouldn’t be hard to find a link to official patch notes for me right?

Does the fact that someone beat Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask in 1:15:29 ruin the game for you?

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Don’t feel like helping you, look it up. Don’t believe me? I couldn’t care less. Double the debuffs won’t help??? lmaoo…