Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

I am focusing on the issue at hand and what are you doing? Focusing on me. Votekick abuse happens because it happened to me and I have inflicted it on others. This needs to be looked at.

So you are randomly have a tantrum in game and initiating vote kicks for no reason other than because you can and abusing the system… mmhmmm… yep clearly normal
(non pathological) behavior

I am proving a point it has nothing to do with emotions. People are saying votekick abuse doesnt really happen, but I am going to repeat myself. It happened to me and I inflict it on others almost every instance.

Yup… I agree… no tantrum going on here
No pathological issues I see.
All is well :unamused:

Would you be happy if they started banning people who abuse votekicking and you got banned?

If you scroll up I have stated a tweak needs to be done to the votekick system. I advocate for more lenient deserter application status to dps. This current votekick system was put in place because of predominantly tank/healer leave abuse, not as much dps abuse (because dps queue is longer).

I would also like to refer you guys to:

Here ya go in case you were wondering about what Blizzard thinks about the vote kick system… it is not changing… and it shouldn’t

And if you scroll up he’s actively been griefing people in RDF.

It’s actually wild to me that Blizzard’s official stance is that vote kick cannot be abused. They’re really fine with a pre-formed group of 3 kicking whoever they want, whenever they want, for any reason they can come up with? There’s no potential case where the majority could be abusing the power to remove anyone they please? Kind of insane, not going to lie!

My alt has been a premade group of 3 and 4 and it has never happened but your milage may vary.

I suspect they have data points that tell them the actual stats

I’m not even saying that happens often, but Vrakthris just explicitly said it’s ok to form a 3 man group and kick people from dungeons for fun. Any possible reason 3 people could come up with to kick someone is valid, according to him. Doesn’t seem right to me when kicking also carries a 30 minute deserter debuff with it.

I’m honestly doubting you’re getting kicked for 10-15k dps, considering the average community does that.

Why don’t you post us your toon so we can check what gear level you’re at, and maybe show us some logs or tell us your rotation so the community can better help you, rather than blaming everything on “toxicity”.

If you take a moment and ask for help and consider that maybe you’re the problem, it gives you an avenue to improve.

were you going in there with cheat gear to reach the ilvl? 0 enchants? 0 gems?

you make like 2-5k leveling, you make like 200 gold per dungeon, there is 0 excuse to not be enchanting/gemming any gear possible

Feels like a post to acting like the victim when you were dragging the group down by a lot

Well he is a hero for submitting a bunch of tickets and writing a nice piece to elicit a blue response. So be it. Thanks Varrostos.

I havn’t been kicked for low dps persay, but I did have some sweatlord pally tank talk sh1t about me for doing 10k dps as a new 85 who was also beast mastery spec. Like get a life nerd.

That’s kinda rude tbh. Being kicked for Low dps. I mean I get stuck in dungeons with low dps on all 3 of them it’s sucks and the dungeon takes longer, but as long as they aren’t doing dumb stuff no point to kick, they need gear to. I’m a tank and I have a healer friend. We have a lot of dungeons to do for valor cap, want to run with us? I’m on Grobbulus; names Wyssra - Alliance.

So the story has changed again from “THE VAST MAJORITY OF MY RUNS”, to a “few times”. Kid you’re all over the place lol.

While I disagree with the OP and still think he’s a liar and his claims never actually happened… I do agree with YOU. I’m actually shocked that the official stance is that vote kicks can’t be abused.

Yep – He continues to change his story to fit his narrative (whatever that is) he is trying to push.

He’s a troll and by his own admission he is now guilty of the very thing he is protesting, but I also don’t believe a single thing he is saying about him successfully initiating random vote kicks. He’s already been proven that his story changes (so trust factor is gone) to suit his justification so this is just one more “tall tale” to help his “cause”.

If the group feels that the issue is low dps the the issue has to be resolved by kicking the low dps in order for the group to move forward and finish.

Same rules for healing, if you can’t keep the group up and it’s keeping people from moving forward the kick needs to be initiated to get someone else to help finish the dungeon.

Saying that you can mass rez, were you the healer?

It’s sounding like you took a DPS slot as a healer, group doesn’t need two healers.