You had months to get boosted. You can still purchase a 58 boost and you’ll be able to purchase a 70 boost + 55 DK in WOTLK.
If you hate leveling so much then don’t level multiples characters and buy a boost.
You had months to get boosted. You can still purchase a 58 boost and you’ll be able to purchase a 70 boost + 55 DK in WOTLK.
If you hate leveling so much then don’t level multiples characters and buy a boost.
It did fail… But for many reasons.
Removed buffs
Too many servers
Way too close to classic just ending
Tbc still going super strong
Bad timing tbh.
Some say…but how will you learn the rotation.
The rotation that is not complete till…max level cap.
Like me coming to paladin from retail. Seal switching is not…complex. and then you go there has to be macro to copy pasta. and there is. and thus my judgement macro applies a seal. 2 buttons now 1. Awesome. 20 got me consecrate…now that paladin has 3 button to push for many many levels.
then there was combat rogue. I love it. its like outlaw. only way better with no roll the bones crap ( I came late legion so did not know of true combat rogue).
And no where near the APM frenzy of a burst cycle tied to dread blade-venthyr covenant burst window while fighting rng on roll the bones. so its easier to play.
They want you to buy a paid boost, This has nothing to do with leveling experience. its same reason they got rid of RFD, why would people buy a paid boost if they can do it easy with dungeons. A bigger question is why ALSO nerf solo dungeon farming, since its a good source of gold. Combined with the dungeon changes in wotlk which upgrade dungeon difficulty as time goes by excluding alts from a gear progression path other than GDKP(which is still in the game), begs the question of a wow token been around the corner, which people only ask for because blizz didnt police rmt by banning bots to begin with. The wow token is 100% a step in the wrong direction for the game cause once it exists blizz motivation changes from making the game fun to encourage subs to making everything in the game cost gold to encourage wow tokens, say hello to more gdkps.
This change didnt just get rid of boosting. it got rid of gold farming. now you gotta buy gold so hence the wow token around the corner and the reason no action was taken against gdkps. Its basically just diablo immortal strats, make stuff in the game require purchasing paid extras to achieve, in this case their making the only easy way to level paid boost and the only way to gear gdkps and the only way to get gold buying it from them. Its coming i tell ya
people have a funny idea that questing teaches you how to play your character.
It teaches you how to quest, that’s it. It does not teach mechanics, how to dispel, how to heal others, how to tank, what LoS means, what does dps mean, what does HoT mean.
All that is learned at max level, or in dungeons. None of which a player questing through the world will ever come across.
So, we’re saying the servers having about 5000 people is a success?
so many cry babies about actually playing the game. Love it!
The main reason it failed is because there’s far too many realms and far too few players to fill them all. The inevitable result of this is that most realms die. I tried to explain this before SOM even launched. Now I must repeat myself with another wave of unnecessary new realms. The cycle of dumb continues. It’s almost as if they’re figuring it out because they’re closing realms but then they release more. Only seems to be 2 conclusions here. Either they have no idea what they’re doing or they just love pillaging realms for boost/transfer money. It could very well be both. In any case, properly managing realm populations is NOT on the agenda.
I may have played it if boosting was in but it wasn’t so i didn’t bother getting to even level 20. Questing is that just aids… I don’t enjoy it, why do they force people to do things they dont enjoy
Server identity shouldn’t be a thing. It’s just where your character data gets stored. Respect is something that is based on the person, not based on the people you are forced to be around.
Limiting gameplay to server only creates equally bad, if not worse play experiences as anything cross realm has ever done to the game.
Low population servers become unplayable, forcing you to start over or pay money to continue playing your character. You can’t play with friends you meet out of game because your servers don’t align. It pushes everyone to pile in on the same server as much as possible to reduce the risk of not being able to find groups, doing so can get to the point where those players suffer long queues to even play the game.
Literally all of that is avoidable if the entire game was cross realm, and the game is built to support it.
People are going to be jerks regardless of how many people they can choose to group with. The easy vote kick of the RDF just gets replaced by gear, WCL, or achievement checks before those people entertain the idea of inviting you to their group in the first place (with the item they want reserved).
The community in WoW has always been what you make of it. Cross realm doesn’t make it worse unless you yourself treat the people you come across as replaceable.
Hey make another thread about being a salty cheater.
Look at these angry “I want it right now!” Veruca Salts.
Lots of games out there will give you what you want. Seems this one doesn’t. Make a choice.
It’s the online sociopath disorder. Everyone is a person on the other side of that character and many gamers lose sight of that.
You can tell much about a person’s real character by how they treat others when anonymous.
They’ll tell themselves it’s just online and isn’t who they are, without realizing it’s exactly who they are and everything else is a social facade they use to hide their true selves.
You can still level in dungeons. Just need to find a group.
In wrath you can pvp level as well, though not vert efficiently.
You’re going to be fine.
Got ratioed got blasted!
Just unscribe already! nobody will miss a crybaby
Server identity is more than just the name of the server. It’s a cohesive culture among a set of people. Removing the culture means that no-one feels any sort of responsbility or respect for others.
RDF does not solve this. In fact, it wallpapers over the problem because people can do dungeons, but the realm is still lonely. And the dungeons they do, no-one ever cares about them because none of them are on that server.
Unless you’re proposing complete Cross-Realm grouping, CRZ, LFR and LFD, that’s nonsense. And if you are… well that’s a guaranteed way to destroy a community because there isn’t one any more.
Psychology has proven this is false. Repeatedly. Humans are tribal, and work best in limited groups. This isn’t a WoW thing. It’s a humanity thing. The same reason why you don’t have a “City-wide community” but instead neighbourhoods break down to small groups.
I am proposing full ability to group between servers because there is no real community gained through limiting who you are allowed to play with in a multiplayer game that’s so arbitrary.
This is especially true when you include paid options to move your character to different servers whenever you like. We are literally just paying blizzard cash to get the benefits of cross realm grouping.
RDF should be in the game. Cross realm grouping in the world and dungeons and raids should be in the game so that there are no pressures to pay cash to character transfer.
LFR wasn’t an issue because it grouped people together, it was an issue because it came with an extra easy tier of the raid that essentially made guilds obsolete if your goal was to see all the content.
RDF wasn’t an issue because it grouped you together with people easily. It was an issue because you couldn’t group with them again even if you had a good experience.
Cross realm grouping fixes the dying server issues. It fixes the drive to move to mega servers. It fixes the fact that you aren’t prevented from playing with friends because of server choice.
It makes the game a better experience overall.
The only thing it makes worse is the “small community” feel, but those were already demolished by classic servers supporting populations several times higher than the original classic servers, and players opting to largely congregate on a small number of servers exactly because the lack of cross realm grouping encourages it.
Good thing those terrible ideas you just proposed will never happen!
Also happy that someone with such a destructive vision is not in charge of this game
No. It does not.