Ybarra sale M+ runs?

Yep. These guys have so many people convinced their version of raids and M+ are the best in the industry. Meanwhile casuals flee this game like the plague and those goobers are confused as to why people leave.


This is why no one takes casuals seriously.

You can get 233 gear from a daily hub. That’s better than heroic raid gear. Relax.

What else do you want?

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Stoppit, you’re making too much sense

A better game. I mean is that so hard to grasp? WoW being a competitive MMORPG is awful.


GD is a meme forum.

Only here can they see a dev streaming a normal ingame activity and then make themselves mad about it.

In another thread, I saw a dude deadass arguing that him saying he was streaming a run is advertising the run so he should be banned.

Like come on.


Better how?

Better for who?

What do you actually want?

“Fix it” is not feedback

  • More RPG
  • Less P2W dungeon crawling
  • More balance in the game, especially if you can break carry activities (An example could be that the gear power progression goes up to heroic and that mythical raids only give cosmetics, achievements and mounts, not gear power, so that the carrys are unviable)
  • M+ dungeons for me is not relevant content so I don’t care what they make of it as long as it doesn’t interfere with raids and pvp
  • Quality storytelling, this is a mmorpg, not a mmo-dungeon-crawling

Chromie Timewalking Leveling from 1-60
LFD for M+
Crafting system that’s actually worth something
Player housing
Armor Dyes
Better Class/Spec Balancing
More Quests over instances
More exploration rewards
Rewards from Torg

Ya know some of the items the casual players have been asking for.


But but this isn’t insane mechanics for dungeons or raids…WHO WILL PLAY THIS

Nothing about dungeons are pay to win. Boosting isn’t pay to win. Dungeons aren’t going anywhere.

The game is very balanced right now. Even in mythic there’s only like a 10% difference between classes.

This is how you lose literally all mythic raiders. And if it didn’t this might actually increase boosts. I’d wager that people care way more about cosmetics and titles and mounts and stuff than gear.

i’ve been thinking about this lately and as fun as they are, i think the raid mechanics are why wow has been dying, they are too hard for the average player:

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There’s a saying in sales which is to keep presentations “Stupid, simple”. Meaning there’s no room for questions on a product because you laid it out.

Know why games like Minecraft, and League are basically like rocket fuel for gamers? They’re games that anyone can pick up but are very difficult to master. WoW on the other hand clearly sees the Dark Souls market and wants to make a MMORPG around that gameplay concept.

If you think wow is the dark souls of MMOs I don’t know what to tell you. WoW was the MMO that moved away from the super punishing MMOs.

Wow is like hello kitty Island adventure

This means nothing. RPG’s are a broad spectrum of games that cover everything from isometric CRPG’s like Baldurs Gate to ARPG’s like Diablo.

Meaningless buzzwords. Even when there’s no token, like in Classic, carries still exist.

Having sold carries for many years, long before the token existed.

This would make carries worse. The vast, vast, vast, vast majority of carries I’ve sold are for cosmetic rewards like mounts or titles.

You’re gunna be disappointed when M+ remains relevant because it’s just as popular as PvPing or Raiding.

When has WoW ever had quality storytelling? Story in WoW has never been anything more than a vessel for gameplay. We’re starving, go fetch 10 boar livers, this guy is evil, go kill him in his secret lair, and so on.

blizzard is in no way close to FromSoft, for example, armored core featured progression without power gains, both theorycrafting and skill based gameplay, and its probably the only game that has pvp magic like wow’s, but better. and that was back on PS1/PS2. Blizz has had 24 years and still can’t make armor dyes, meanwhile i had custom RGB settings for my AC back in 1997.

WoW used to be the casual MMO. Then once they had that massive drop off in WoD the only comparable MMOs with regard to diffculty are


Both are brutal sandboxes. The other theme park MMOs are infinitely more casual friendly than WoW is currently and that’s a shame considering WoW was offered as the Casual alternative to EQ and UO.

Are we even playing the same game?

Wow is absolutely not some super hardcore game. There is such a wild range of content to do. I’d wager the only truly punishing content is mythic raiding or very high keys.

Let me rephrase what they’re trying to say.

“WoW is a hardcore game because you don’t get handed BiS gear for doing WQ’s or buying it off the AH”.


And the craziest thing is they can outgear heroic raiders by doing daily quest content.

I literally just don’t understand.

When 2 content forms make all other content trival and when the game makes all other content prior to those 2 content forms irrelevant this is what you get.

If you think WoW’s current design is good, more power to you. But look around the web from GD, Youtube, Twitch, MMORPG Forums/News Sites, and reddit.

There’s a reverberating cry about how bad WoW is and how making the endgame the only thing they develop is killing their game. WoW has a problem and honestly if you want to bury your head in the sand, that’s cool. The rest of the world will just continue to move past the game.

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