Ybarra sale M+ runs?

And what I’m telling you is if you can’t break 1600 now you won’t be able to break 1600 even with the gear “fix”

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Well the only way to end it would be to make loot distribution even more restrictive, making it nearly impossible to trade loot to another person. Say hello to personnel loot with no option to trade regardless if it is an upgrade or not and good bye to BoE drops.

Someone still has to complete the content and get it on farm before they even think about boosting others.

Who would the people being boosted have an advantage over?

real life competitive sports are bracketed for fairness. in fact if you take a walk over to the PVP forums, you will find every single point you can make in favor of the current pvp gearing system has been deconstructed as false. the only people the current gear system favors, has any benefit for, and is liked by, are carry sellers.

no true pvper likes the current model and at the rate we are going, there will be maybe 15 of us left by the end of this expac.


Buddy when my geared Outlaw Rogue 1v3’s a group of players that actually play well, it isn’t a skill gap, i’m outgunning them.

There’s no reason to have a massive iLvl gap in PvP like this. Imagine if they put mythic scaled bosses in LFR

You’re acting like Shadowlands is normal. For the longest part of WoW’s history Honor Gear was the gateway to be competetive in rated, and rated gear was for minimal stat min-maxing.

I’m not supposed to be 30% stronger than someone because I am in a higher bracket.


If this was actually the case then the ladder would be filled with outlaw rogues.

The fact that it’s not tells us that you’re just beating bad players. If you were doing this on the regular then you’d be climbing the ladder.

Like I said, skill matters more than gear in the long run

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…do you not understand the concept for gear gaps/gating?

If I outgear someone it doesn’t matter how good they are, i’m gonna melt them.


these are both factually false, RBGs you will get gatekept below 1400, then again at 1600 if you are lucky enough to make it to 1400, the problem is the current model is so hated that there isn’t a lot of teams playing that aren’t carry sellers, so your team gets to like 1390, then gets matched up to a 1650mmr team, well they are two upgrades above your team, their whole team is, meaning you are about to get your :poop: pushed in. then for whatever reason, you will lose rating even though they are a higher MMR team.

arena is about the only viable option atm, but that means you will be forced to grind through brackets longer than you should and will lose to players who are worse than you just because they have better gear and/or rolled a monk.

again, if you actually pvped this season you would know. if the devs actually pvp’d they would know, but they are way too scared to show their face in pvp. they might get /spit on and have a panic attack.

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My alts 1600 MMR team got matched against 2100 MMR the other day lmao was ridic


Okay, but you’re still not going to climb the ladder. There is going to be a point where you can no longer get carried by the gear advantage.

Once you hit that point you’re gonna stagnate at best or begin to fall back to your actual rank at worst.

The ladder is a marathon, not a sprint.

The real problem is people who are ilvl 220 expecting to actually compete against someone who is 250… clearly you haven’t put in as much work as they have why should you be on equal footing?

I love going into random bgs and seeing people with like 20k hp… like you realize there are more efficient ways to gear a toon for PvP?

no skill can help when you get 1 shot through stacked defensives.


My guy that doesn’t matter, i’ve been playing since launch and am geared to the teeth.

Any new players trying to get into PvP that didn’t play since launch get globalled by anyone with half a brain and get pushed away.

I love this game dude I don’t want PvP to be “exclusive” we need hire participation. We’ve got so many high profile pvp’rs leaving because of this crap, in combination with the lack of newblood coming it’s strangling our content’s playerbase to death.


i have put in the same or more work timewise, same or more work skill wise. why should your bought gear beat my time earned skill?

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Randoms are and always have been the route for PvP gearing.

PvP progreasion has always been

→ farm random for honor gear → full honor set → play rated or keep doing randoms for fun

Stop acting like this gear gap in Shadowlands is normal man you sound so inexperienced right now

it’s not their fault Blizzard is butchering the iLvl system right now


Literally all PvP games have a high barrier to entry like this. Overwatch, League, Warzone, etc all experience this problem. Playing against other people is oppressive. It always will be.

Gear is only temporary, skill is what will lead you to success over time.

If you’re getting one shot every single game it’s an L2P issue.

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Normal or not it’s what we have and from the lack of blue posts on your PvP gear thread that’s probably what we gonna have for the rest of the season.

that statement is a l2p issue


so more chaos on social media, got it


No disrespect but you’re literally full of crap here bro.

My plat league account doesn’t get a 30% damage buff over people in silver/gold

If you’re so strung on this concept lets put mythic bosses in normal raids, maybe that’s the only way you PvE players will understand.