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I really wish you wouldn’t spread this man, I know maybe it’s not as “harmful” for PvE since its a group effort anyways, but WoW tokens/boosting has hammered the PvP community.

PvP right now is a choice between paying for a boost, or playing mine sweeper que’ing to grind rating only for every other team you fight at 1600 bracket to be glad geared boosters

I’ve been PvP’ing since Wotlk, back then the gear disparity between honor and rated gear wasn’t massive and allowed for outplaying. This is not the case anymore.


The token model has been widely adopted by most large mmos, Everquest has their own version. Blizzard has clearly stated selling boosts for gold is 100% legal. Can’t argue with that.

$400 for 2 years of game play isn’t a bad deal, but then again you used the monthly rate and not the three or six month discount. One would save you $24 and the other would be $48 over that 2 years period.

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a carry costs 1.2-1.8million gold. even if you just did the callings every day that only nets you 750k over a season.

sure, its possible to play wow via earning gold in game, nobody is denying that, but it takes more time than is worth, you can’t not spend all of your time farming gold if your reason for doing so is to play a different game mode. for example, if you spend all your time farming the 1.8m gold needed to buy a 0-2100 carry, you will have no time to actually pvp with the gear you just bought.


I literally don’t even consider PvP as part of this game.

It’s been trash for a decade or more. If you want good, balanced, and fair PvP go play any of the dozens of games that focus on PvP as their primary mode


Okay PvP carries, but the OP linked the SOD carry which only cost 350k gold.

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yes they did, i just went and did a price comparision a few weeks ago, a typical 0-2100 carry is $300 or whatever the current token exchange equivalent to $300 is.

Not only that, carries are entirely a player created situation. They would exist even without tokens or gold, as you can just do a quick google search and find a half dozen that will gladly take a credit card instead.


the first one i found had warning for malware and CC fraud from malware bytes, and its one famous for their one minute boss guides, never mind that RMT can get your account actioned.

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Sounds like you should blame the pvp community as the problem. If they’d rather boost then actually you know pvp that sounds like a them issue.

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The PvP in this game is actually pretty fun when there aren’t gear gaps bro, even when I duel people I usually take off some of my gear so I can match their iLvl

If you’re gonna claim boosting isn’t harming the game at least add a disclaimer saying “it doesn’t harm PvE” cause it’s destroying PvP.

If you don’t enjoy PvP that’s your rightful opinion, but many of us still enjoy PvP and only play this game for PvP content. With all the neglect lately we have been starting to turn from the game, we really just want simple fixes.


we’d rather pvp, but the current game design requires boosting for most casuals, its why they are all quitting.


Yeah, I am betting all those people buying gold on classic are quaking in their boots. See they don’t have the token and their carry market is just as big as our own, thanks to gold buying and third party carry sites.


I mean how is it any different from a competitive PvP sport in real life? Typically the country/city with the largest coffers tend to perform/win the most… even if they gave you templates for PvP you would still find something that’s “unfair”

All blizz has to do is revert to the PvP gearing system we had from WOTLK to WOD, literal hotfix man.

PvE iLvl and PvP iLvl is seperate on PvP gear now too so there’s no reason not to fix the PvP iLvl gap, it wouldn’t effect you PvE players at all.


The problem is that it is allowed in general, it should not be allowed, not for real money or for anything that can be obtained through real money, this is turning the game into a P2W


But you can’t win WoW lol.

they dont have 15 year old accounts they care about. probably mostly people who quit years ago, came back to classic and now cheat so they can all get the T3 warrior 1 shot experience they never had as a kid. they are out for one thing and their orginal game is dead anyway, so its not like they care about wow, that mentality isn’t hard to deconstruct.

We don’t want templates we want a iLvl fix

Leave the scaling iLvls for PvE content if yall want them so badly, they have no place in PvP content.

We’re not asking for anything or ground breaking, we just want what we had when PvP was at its height.


What requires boosting? There is literally a formula. Rbg then arena.