Ybarra sale M+ runs?

You are wrong, because you should not be depending on external tools to play the game, if to be efficient you depend on external tools then there is a basic flaw in the design and systems of the game.

That this is how the game is played right now does not mean that it is a good thing.

You can do it with the official armory in like 30 seconds. RIO actually does the same thing it just does it automatically

Still something external to the game, it belongs to the company but it is external to the game. It must be IN the game.

If you want your groups to succeed, ya gotta put in a little bit of elbow grease, ya know?

These tools exist to help you. It’s up to you to utilize them.


So you’re not allowed to use wowhead or Thotbot

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Or any addons

Or raid bots

Or guides


Idc how people spend their gold or their RL money. Boosting is fine.

I’d rather it wasn’t necessary, but Blizzard’s interface is so poor that they are unavoidable, yet I never use anything that forces me to look at things outside of the game.

I hate it. As with most addons the existence and/or necessity of this is a symptom of the game flaws, sometimes of the lack of functional neurons of the players (some classes are really simple to understand), and other times sometimes of the community’s perception that as zombies they all seek to be the same in order to be “efficient” (by a margin often less than 5%)

this is a necessity because the game punishes losses too much, in WoW you can’t go and learn the mechanics wipe after wipe is high, and the community has become too toxic to accept this form of play.

When I played, I didn’t normally look at guides, I learn the normal fights in pugs and figured out the heroics in the moment.

I only use it to watch the news .

In short, none of these things should be necessary, they “are” only because of the flaws of the game and/or the toxic attitude and perception of the community. But even if Blizzard fixes the flaw point, as long as the community has the same mind set that will not change the cituation, therefore starting to ban certain addons while the changes are doing is necessary.

None of it is required.

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If a raid of 20 people are all 5% more efficient, that it a total of 100% increase in efficiency. That matters a lot, especially when you’re stuck wiping on a boss week after week.

You absolutely can. You just need to find a group of people with a similar mindset. J personally don’t find something like that to be enjoyable, but others do.

You’re projecting your way of playing onto others and telling them they’re wrong because they play their way.

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Move along. Nothing to see here. Carries for in-game gold is perfectly acceptable. It has been around since ancient times (Vanilla) and will always exist so long as there is a market for it. I agree with the addition of the WoW token this has a slightly different feel but it’s just whatever to me. This is not going to change and luckily what someone else has rarely, if ever, has an impact on you. MMO’s are fun with friends and boring when playing alone. If you are finding time to worry about what someone else has I am guessing you are not having much fun and are likely playing solo or with strangers.

because you are psychologically driven to succeed on those areas, i am not. one of the biggest misnomers in wow is that everyone participates in the hardest content they are able to do by default, this is only the mentality of some players, not all. its why your CE duelist warrior gets owned by scrublords in casual pvp. you were never on their level, they just didn’t do anything you deemed worthy for you to know it.

No. If a raid of 20 people are all 5% more efficient, that’s a total of 5%. Just because 1 person does 5% more dps, that doesn’t mean the whole raid does 5% more dps.

I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but hardcore / competitive guilds have been selling runs since BWL in vanilla. It’s how they pay for consumables and repair costs for their guild raids to maintain their competitive status.

It’s only been made an issue since server mergers, cross faction, and the introduction of the LFG tool because it’s made it more visible and accessible to more people.

I agree that there is an issue with gold farmers and scammers that are advertising runs / boosts that are cheating people out of gold, but that’s a whole different issue that Blizzard needs to deal with. If someone is going to “buy” a run, they need to make sure it’s from a legitimate source.

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You rite. Math is hard before my coffee

Still though 5% is a lot too

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The thing is that it is not simply for gold since you can buy gold with real money through the token, the existence of the token automatically makes carrys a servis for real money.

Also the purchase of BoEs could be considered as something for real money through the purchase of gold for tokens.

In both cases, the existence of the token that allows you to buy gold for real money turns the game into a P2W or at leas P2F.

Hard disagree. Most people want stomps. Especially in casual based PvP.

usually when people say “service for real money” they mean that the provider of the service is receiving the real money. that’s not what’s happening here.

so this reminds me of a bible verse:

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

1 Cor 13:11

cheating and stomping are childish, at some point you grow up and want to play fairly because you have more fun and gain more confidence when you win against a real team vs just stomping.

trust me, after 1,000 wins the thrill of stomping someone wears off and you just wish they would do something new and interesting instead of flopping on the floor like a fish.

People have been buying gold since before the token was even an idea