Yay paladins!

No. No. No.

Paladin was the clear winner of P1 in terms of their rune package out of all of the classes.

Their class just isn’t fully online. Having said that, they are def not middle of the pack in pvp, currently and never will be. Pally at 25 already has a stun, bubble, LoH, and three instant click damage abilities. They are top tier and will stay there for the entirety of SoD

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Not close, but priests did pretty good

Welp, you sold me. I’m rerolling a pally today.

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I think the thing that bugs people about Paladin is that it feels like you don’t have any options against them as most classes. Sure Shaman and Priest can get rid of their buffs, but not bubble or LoH, and at this level it’s not unusual to get killed in a HoJ, especially if that paladin is also running the interrupt rune. They are frustrating to play against because they have a kit that is fully online and they remove agency from their opponents.

Other classes don’t have such huge and safe options for turning a fight around. At this level, the closest I can even think of is soulstone or a priest’s Desperate prayer (which is also alliance only), and both of those are weaker than either bubble or LoH.

As to the mana drain discussion, it’s basically not an option at this level. The mana cost of rune abilities is so low that one tick of mana regen let’s you use another ability so all you do is slow them down at the cost of slowing yourself down. Mana drain from locks is a channel and only removes ~300 mana if fully channeled and mana burn from priests costs 95 mana to burn 200 with a 3 second cast time. Situationally those might be the right call, but they are far from a reliable way to shut anyone down in this bracket.

Says the player on the OP class on the alliance faced server LOL

Priest and mage are about tied for 2nd with their rune package, relative to Pally.

Pally is my era main. Paladin players should be thrilled with P1. They will be S tier for all of SoD off the P1 changes. I promise.

So OP that it has obvious counters in pvp. Sounds like a skill issue to me, get good and maybe you can beat a pally instead of button mashing and hoping for the best.


You really need to stop posting you’re trying really hard to compete for dumbest poster on the forums award.

Nah you got that one covered. Wait, am I mistake you for someone else? Are you that nobody that claims they’re a lolpro because you stole someone else ID on a Furry Fantasy XIV forum?

Acecheetah gets it.

I’m sorry you don’t understand paladin, but I do. I have maimed the class for more than ten years. Paladin won phase 1. It is clear as day.

We literally got every single thing we asked for, all by level 25.

Ret/Prot definitely got their runes frontloaded, likely for launch hype. I don’t see anything more than passives/flavor runes like Path of Arthas that was datamined being added.

Holy/Ret/Prot all set from this point on. Holy got beacon. The most efficient, single target healer in Era just got a tool to heal multiple targets.

the fact they gave them an aoe heal like that is massive lol
deserved, the best class in the game after all.

I’m not kidding, as a paladin main, we were given everything on the wishlist. All at 25

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thanks you haha :rofl: :rofl:

Oh yeah, I forgot about Beacon for a moment. Paladins definitely in a good spot. If SoC twisting were to be fixed then it’d be perfect all-around.

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Yeah, it is nuts man. Paladin was treated like royalty. They didn’t even play hard to get. They just gave it all away

Yeah I gotta admit that paladins are doing amazing right now… so I think we should nerf hunters.