Is bliz ignoring how broken pallys are? wotlk kit at lvl 25 and dropping a duce on everyone?
Yes cuz apparently the lead SOD “Dev” (quotes cuz they arent really developing anything, after all wow classic is pretty well established, codewise) plays a ret paladin. Surely the last thing he would want is to have to fight other paladins, so Horde just doesnt get pallies in SOD
Blizz is too busy stomping Hunters into dust to pay attention to Paladin.
But don’t worry, they will nerf Wind Serpent soon and Hunters will all quit and then Paladin will get the beatdown.
Paladins aren’t broken. Only people that are bad at video games and don’t know what they’re talking about think that Paladins are broken.
Right, hunters are a pain but can be killed. Takes 2+ people to take down a paladin, sometimes it takes 3. Two can easily get stomped by the pally. I see it literally daily. Literally…daily… It’s not the same paladin either, many different ones just wiping ashenvale’s floor with whoever they come arcoss.
As a hunter I agree, rets are stomping everyone and hunters got nerfed into oblivion so nerf rets to.
These paladin complaints are neurotic. Ret is strong in 1v1 PvP but they aren’t special in any other type of content.
Says the paladin rofl!! Go back to roblox plz
Shamans hard counter paladins and are generally more powerful in PvP.
I think you should go back to Roblox. I’ve placed top 100 and higher multiple seasons in XIV’s ranked PvP which is a game that plays pretty similarly at the end of the day, and I also used to do well in WoW back when I played it though I never chased ranked back then really. I have a lot of experience in other games competitively too including games like Street Fighter which is a lot more technical and requires lot more skill than any MMO PvP does.
Indeed. Shaman tanks are also ridiculous right now in PvE.
Wow yours must be so HUGE! Again, of course the paladin says it’s not broken and tries to flex how amazingly godly he is at the game and other games. rofl jesus kid go flex in goldshire about how amazing at the game you are rofl
Be careful, people don’t like to hear the truth. People are downplaying Shaman like crazy and few people seem to want to acknowledge that you can literally just Purge a Paladin’s blessings and seals right off of them.
It’s almost as if these people haven’t played much Classic WoW PvP at all. I remember nature resist sets being used just to deal with Ele Shamans.
The truth is your original comment was completely ignorant which lead to you spouting about how great you are. Now you shift to how amazing shamans are. Good call <3
I was the one who brought up shamans if you bothered to read that they were responding to me.
Pallys are near invincible
Shamans destroy paladins.
The lead game guy for classic plays ret so why do you think they weren’t nerfed.
Now now shado, they’re not broken, we’re all just bad at the game. Obviously.