Yay paladins!

Still has nothing to do with SoD… i havent played a DK in 10+ years… just the toon i post on.

Rock apes logic x2

Yeah, guess slows now are stuns and you are unable to play your character at all.

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They are if you dont have a priest. Character is completely broken and chain CCd for 15 seconds, cant be slowed, and have 2 full back to life CDs.

how you think its not OP is rediculous… such bias.

Ah yes, the classics

Hyperbole of what paladin is actually capable of to make them sound OP

Babyrage as old as time

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What is it about Paladins that make people seethe? Throughout WoW’s history nobody batted an eye when warlocks were unstoppable PvP monsters, when it was normalized that warriors would be the above and beyond unquestionable best DPS in the game. Mistweaver monks were un-killable and rogues could stun-lock you for your entire health pool. Those are just normal things… but a Paladin?! Paladin can do something other than heal!? Not in my Warcraft!!!

When Paladins are good at anything, without fail the tears come out.


Gets kited, easily.
Can be chain feared while a lock just dots them up.
Can be kited until death by good hunters.
Can be kited to death by good mages.
Can even be kited by druids and die to dots.
Gets out paced by any classes with movement speed.
Has a single stun and a slow as all the cc they can bring.
Has one instant full health heal that eats the rest of their mana.
Has one immunity that makes them unable to attack. Forcing them to burn mana on healing.


Do they not have a 10 second slow? Do they not have a long stun? Do they not have freedom? Do they not have lay on hands? Do they not have bubble?

Whats hyperbole?

A slow on a 30 second cool down that uses a ton of mana that can be dispelled
A stun on a 1 min cooldown that can be easily be broken out of with CDs or consumables and be dispelled
Freedom which can be purged, has zero speed increases to go along with it
Lay on hands is literally a 1HOUR long cd and sets you to zero mana
Bubble doesn’t allow you to attack, and if you heal while bubbled you’re only going to be able to heal about 60% of your HP back and pretty much go oom to do so.

Paladin is hardly OP, they are just great at stomping noobs that don’t know how to do anything but mash their dps rotation


You’re speaking like someone that doesn’t play Paladin. As a Paladin main in era, Paladin is completely broken with their new tools. You just can’t see it yet

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Are LAPS in the game right now? LOL… How you gonna consume out of a stun?

paladins have all those buttons… now tell me what druid has, a root which they can get out of… and ummm… yeah thats it.

Paladins are the 3rd best PVP class right now. Lock 1, hunter 2, paladin 3. Priest is up there but they dont really count because they dont die but also dont do much dmg so its w.e

When you consider what other classes were also given, it’s not broken

Paladin is middle of the pack in pvp.

The only reason they seemed OP at the start of SoD is because they were all running around with BFD equivalent weapons while almost nobody else had equivalent gear

Now that people have had time to gear up paladins aren’t dominating anymore

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What are warriors, druids, shamans given that give them any chance against a paladin lol

Shamans literally hard counters paladin, that’s 100% a l2p issue

Druids can infinitelly kite a paladin if you aren’t an idiot that just tries to trade blows and mash your dps rotation

And warrior has always lost to equally geared paladins

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How do you infinitely kite a 10 second slow? wtf?

you have era brain bro. go play SoD

Almost like some classes have bad match ups. Weird how you didn’t mention locks, mages, and hunters who can kill paladins by kiting them. Or assume druids cannot kite them either.

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It has a 30 second cooldown

Math is hard

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So? youre dead in the 15 second window they have.

Math is hard

You cant escape them tho lol. How you gonna kite when you cant move for 15 seconds? lol

It’s literally just a slow, you can still move, and you conveniently leave out how druid has bearform and can face tank a paladin far longer than the 10 second slow

You literally just want to complain

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Comments like this are what convince me you think the slow is a stun.

What I have gathered watching them spew their nonsense.

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