Yay paladins!

Every dps should be nerfed until battles are all stale mates. I see these nerf threads for every class.

The old saying - nerf rock but paper is fine
Signed scissors


I genuinely feel like paladin isnt even that good in pvp.

I honestly think that shamans are far more annoying. Because they are so incredibly tanky the have the EHP of like 3 players and just run around frost shocking while their backline cranks damage and healing

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I don’t play AP ret and fury is a free win for pretty much every class and spec in game. Your GM fought awful players

They are nuts in pvp. And at 60, with this kit, they’ll be god tier

Care to provide a sixtyupgrades link of your gear and build then?

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Are you familiar with era paladin? I can def provide pointers if you’re interested

My paladin is R14 geared, currently ret/reckoning, but also have a lot of holy/reck experience

As I said a while back, I played mostly holy/prot, 33-18-0 the few times i played ret it was spellpower ret with about 500 or so spellpower.

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Have you ever tried Holy/Reck? It is the most anti-melee build a paladin can go. I don’t even know how you’d ever lose to a melee class as that spec, and your heals remain incredibly solid.

I routinely 2/3v1 rogues/warrior in this build. I personally like to go 24/27/0 with consecration, divine favor, unyielding faith x2, spiritual focus x5, toughness x5, imp concentration x3, BoS, reckoning x5

This build is also incredible at farming and soloing content

Yes actually I do. That’s their entire game play.

It costs a TON of mana to shift in and out…you only get so many.

Mana is the limiting factor. They should absolutely not be locked down by a 10 second daze it’s insane. It’s the only slow in the game that slows them. It’s absolutely broken.

Paladins truly have the game on easy mode lol

No it is not. Their gameplay in pvp has always been hit and run away as you die to dots.
It has never been they have a “get out of jail free” card for every form of cc in the game.
To repeat their gameplay has always been to outlast who they are fighting. Not outright just win in a straight up fight by just ignoring cc.

Druids truly want life on easy mode lol.

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Holy S the irony of this statement. Paladins are literally the class of the brain dead.

Tanks get mana for doing nothing. DPS get free movement, long stun, aoe, hard ST, and healers never go oom, you all have bubbles which stop everything.

Talk about easy mode… my god read the room.

Im fine with them keeping avengers shield if they add 2/3 abilites from different classes that break bubble… since fair is fair and all

the irony from a class with BUBBLE LOLOLOL

More than fine with them doing that. Was never against them changing paladin abilities.
But straight buffing druid to just shapeshift out of all forms of cc is just a braindead take.
Something you yourself said they should have.

Yes, a bubble that stops you from attacking while it’s up. As opposed to the buffed shapeshift that just ignores cc. Lmao, you have to be trolling.

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Its not all forms of CC, there is plenty of CC druids cant get out of… stuns, hibernate, etc etc. Yanno stuns that PALADINS ALREADY HAVE

and again, we only have enough mana to shape shift 3-4 times… its not like its endless.

All paladins are running avengers in PVP… should tell you its way too OP as it wasnt inteded to be the BiS pvp spell it now is.

The class that is easily kited choose a rune that helps them not get kited. Go figure it’s popular in pvp.

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Imagine being this butthurt about paladins

Calling paladins easy mode while posting on a deathknight

That’s irony

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Shamans are more broken than paladins they are the tankiest class shocks hit hard af and they have ghost wolf. Not to mention I got literally 1 shotted by a geared elemental shaman this morning and I’m ilvl 26…


what do these have to do with each other? are DKs in SoD?

Rock apes logic lol. Go cheese another BFD run lol.

The way people describe getting hit by AS you’d think it makes them infertile, causes their spouse to leave them as well as take the kids, has them go through the stages of grief and relive a painful childhood memory all in that slow window.

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Its a 10 second slow… it should be nerfed to 5/6 seconds at best

Deathknight is literally the most faceroll class since it was introduced.

They have CDs for every situation and are unkitable and can heal themselves far better than paladins while doing damage at the same time

You calling paladins easy mode while playing the class with the biggest training wheels in the game is hilariously ironic

You’re obviously just a FOTM player

Paladin in SoD is pretty middle of the pack in pvp

They were wrecking people the first week cuz they effectively had a free BFD weapon, but now that other classes have geared up paladin is falling behind

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