Yay paladins!

Priests do have mana burn, not sure about warlocks.
Viper sting isn’t in this bracket, as far as I know.

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I tried mana draining an OOM Priest so I could kill them, they regen enough mana to cast Penance between drain ticks.

So I don’t use drain mana anymore.

meanwhile, whats that mages are healing much?


A fury warrior…dear Lord.

Just say you don’t pvp


How are Paladins broken atm?

Less DPS than all of the other melee other than Enhancement Shaman for PvE.
Like the other healers it can’t even compare to a Priest for healing.

As for DPS PvP, it’s better than Warrior’s atm as they are missing much of their kit that makes them shine but it’s not a big difference. Unlike with other classes they have no gap closers and their only rune with a slow attatched has a 30s cooldown for 1/3 uptime and drains their mana harshly. I would argue they are high B or low A tier. Warlocks, Hunters, and Rogues are all much better. Druid got buffed recently so will need to see how they do now, but there are already some complaint posts about them. In a more DPS/support role, I’d say Shaman>Pally as they can purge along with some other benefits that are better than Pally stuff imo, Pally is better if we are talking pure damage though.

As a FC Druid and Shaman are much better.

As for a main healer in PvP, again Priest is much better than a Pally, I prefer Ret Pallys off healing over being a main healer myself, same with most other healers.

Where Pally shines is when they get lucky, auto attack + SoC + CS all at once and with some crits can be a nice spike of damage and it is followed by DS + Judge. The actual DPS though is not that amazing. Other than Judge it’s all physical damage, so if you get shredded by a pally it would be the same if a Warrior, Hunter or Rogue was on you. You can’t heal when getting hit as Ret, it’s less than 350 healing for a large portion of your mana pool on a long cast time, with spell pushback you should be able to easily out dps that, or interrupt them and lock them out of their skills. If you are a Shaman just purge their seals off instantly and they lose a large portion of their damage.

The only thing I see people complain about is Pally having access to a ranged slow so they can fight ranged classes. It’s not hard to counter tbh and exaggerated by people that ignore the cooldown and mana cost + GCD requirements to swap gear around.

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We warriors demand that any class capable of filling more than 1 role be nerfed TO THE GROUND BABY! whilst maintaining our inherent level 1 immunity to such a self demanded rule…

For rounding out their kit 100% but plenty of others have it good. As others have stated Pally was an incomplete class that lacked many basic things every other class has already had without runes. That’s why they got 1 healer rune and everything else is to make tanking and DPS work.

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Happy to see the warriors of the light get a little time in the sun!!

you sir are clueless, one of the reasons why devs never read these forums.

False, the devs absolutely made unneccessary changes in patch 2.0.10 based on nothing more than forum warrior QQ. Blizzard tried to claim the changes were based on “internal testing” instead of warrior forum QQ but so broken were the feral nerfs in the patch that a hot fix had to be implemented just so feral druids could tank normal 5 mans… ANY amount of testing, internal or otherwise, would’ve shown how broken the feral nerfs were… hence blizzard nerfed feral druids based solely on false, warrior forum QQ… and they are still doing it…
so, blizzard: as a warrior… NERF WARRIORS!!!

I think it makes more sense to go play the thing that upsets you instead of complaining about it unless it’s clearly some kinda exploit or bug.

1.) You can learn all their weaknesses
2.) If it really is OP you can make someone else go complain about them on the forums and try to get them nerfed by crapping on other people.

You either A.) Gain some respect for the class, or B.) Contribute to them getting nerfed in the future. It’s a win win. And you learn something in the process.

As a Paladin I feel about as strong as a Shaman. I can still be beat by a warlock and hunters are still annoying.

I think a lot of other classes are just bad right now…Warriors and Rogues need time to scale. Casters aren’t very viable.

Basically only Druids, Priests, Paladins, Shamans, Warlocks, and Hunters feel strong right now. And everything else feels significantly worse.

I’m talking pvp of course.

I’m glad more people are talking about Shaman, they go under the radar.

I disagree with Warriors and Rogues being bad, both are pretty good if played properly. A Warrior is just as Tanky as a Pally and can do just as much / more damage, they have more mobility and a more reliable slow in most situations. When there is a paladin, Shaman or priest healing warriors I see them outperform paladins and most other classes in terms of DPS and KB’s in WSG most of the time. A geared Warrior, rogue and Hunter are all doing more damage than Pally atm. Pally just has that burst of auto attack, SoC, CS that is a nice burst all at once followed up by DS.

Rogues are also really good, but I don’t like more than one or two on my team as they throw games by being stealth too long, and without them in the front line the other team focuses on targets more easily. When played properly they are really good though.

Both will get much better in the next tier ofc as they get more of their tools.

I don’t think mage is horrible, their damage is not the best but they still have a good amount of control and movement along with the option to heal while doing damage. Not a class I would want to stack atm but it’s useful to have one.

My guildmaster in classic would frequently wipe the floor with people in his pve spec, because he didnt want to spend 50g every time he wanted to duel people. Didnt say it was the “meta”, but he pumped out enough dps while having the hps from his healing set to be able to zug down people. The only way youd be able to beat him would be to outlast his hps, which you wouldnt be able to do as an ap ret, not a chance. Heals are too inefficient, and you have such a joke of a mana pool

Point was that you dont need to be arms to zug down an ap ret

Druids not being able to shift out of avengers shield is the most insane crap in the game.

That is druids entire game play…

It is absolutely absurd avengers shield is a 10 second daze druids can do nothing about. Makes no sense.


Whats crazy is druids are just passively immune to sheep, can shift out of roots and heal yet will complain about a single slow. Something a priest can just get rid of with a button press. If you just want them to be able to shift out of every possible cc then just say so.

Paladins are just another class that doesn’t threaten me at all in pvp.

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Yeah that is crazy tbh. Druids can shift out of hibernate too. Are only immune to sheep in animal forms. Lots of shifting needed in pvp! Which is very mana-expensive. A good weakness for the class. Sometimes just chain rooting/sheeping a FC druid is all it takes to get them down

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no its a single slow that a class monly avalable to one side is broken and op. it should not be 10 and be shiftable

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Instead of people trying to actually play the game, find counter measures and learn thier class…if they loose to a class, they just come on the forums and cry for nerfs…stop using logic for idiocy lol

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