Yay paladins!

Oh so your issue isnt with paladins, its that paladins are exclusive?

Quick reminder that whirlwind AXE is also that, an axe, for orcs to enjoy. This bracket will be over soon enough

I think so…

On one hand I like that there are differences in the factions… so I still have mixed feels about it.

I think my big issue right now is that the servers are all faction locked so I can’t even be a paladin enjoyer on another pvp server.

Pallys are only broken at lvl 25bracket things should even out later on, they are insanely busted atm, but thats the bracket. Fortunately most of them have no clue how to play, because its the class for beginners. But yes having 2 full resets with bubble and lay on hands + absolutely insane burst is pretty abnoxious.

Just keep checking the availability. Bots will make horde characters constantly, so youll get a chance to make an ally if you just check regularly for a little while. Had friends who got locked out, and it was just a few minutes of checking before they could get in


oo, thanks I’ll keep at it!

Loh is, firstly, a 1 hour cooldown, and secondly, isnt a full reset, because it completely drains your mana, so sure you go back to full, but unless you chug a mana pot, you cant even recast your seals


Its gonna be funny to see all the pure AP rets in the coming phases with their 0 int gear get nuked to 0 mana by a priest in 2 mana burns, and be left completely helpless as they flop around doing their one white hit ever 4 seconds.

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I imagine whenever shammys get two handed enhance going people are gonna do a lot of complainin about them too.

Nah shamys dont have freedom or HoJ they are wheelchairs if you play enhance in pvp you’re griefing. Ele on the other side is gonna absolutely destroy come phase 2.

I dunno man, I played with a twohand enhance shammy back in vanilla and even with just a pig sticker sometimes he’d just walk straight through people and they’d be dead.

It was glorious. The dopamine hit from windfury deleting someone was worth all the times you just walked in and died lol. Also people only remember the times where they die so hard their whole family tree gets sent back to the graveyard – and that’s what they complain about on the forums usually.

They have frost shock on a 6 second cd, and can purge freedom and faps.

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If you let a enhance shaman connect to you, you are doing it wrong.

So rogues, paladins and warriors just cant engage them then? Seems like theyre pretty stoked in that case if they hard counter a third of the classes in the game


Ah, look at the little ret FotM reroll trying to convince itself it is better than it really is again.

Reminder to you and the rest of the rets: you’re not half as good as you think you are. Now just accept you did like the rest and just rerolled to the FotM and, like the rest of the ret paladins, you’ll get nowhere.

A bit ironic coming from wrath paladin.


Any time paladin gets something nice, they immediately become flavour of the month, because people are like “maybe THIS time itll be good?!”

Historically, it has never quite been enough, time will tell for sod, but my expectation is that, from the level 40 bracket on, when everyone’s classes finish rounding out, paladins will return to mediocrity and obscurity.

Ill keep playing one though, cause i like em

On a side note, please for the love of god, dont give us divine steed, that is such a goofy, non-classic ability, I hate it.

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Ok The one thing I will point out is the fact that you can’t use a vendor shield when you have a two hander equipped.

Because you have to have a shield equipped to use it So I would imagine they’re using some type of Weapon swap macro To get passed that.

Secondly I will say it’s thirty seconds cc So they can only do it every thirty seconds And yes i’m completely well aware The way fights work that can be one and done And yes if you have multiple paladins i’m sure that can be an issue.

But this is only relevant because everybody is only 25 So let me ask you this let’s say blizzard nerves thee Days So when cap goes up to 40 And warriors get Is there wind fury axe and Mortal strike with war bringer.

And shaman start to do That chain lightning that literally can three shot a group if not More and rogue start to get all of there cc Like cheap shot and kidney.

Should they put that back is that howard judging it Do you think blizzard’s going to make those minor Tune adjustments especially sense in pvp The highest rank you can get is 3?

It’s silly on top of that Classic pvp has never been balanced heck wow pvp Has never been balanced it’s not a pvp Game it’s primarily pve.

So ya I mean there is no end the amount of broken things that happen in pvp From all classes everything’s going to be broken to a certain extent.

And it’s silly to ask blizzard. Okay, well, let’s make this adjustment because of this in pvp That’s only the case because most classes don’t have their tool kit ?

I’ve noticed that in PvP a lot of people don’t seem to realize that ret paladins are mana users. If they acknowledged their manapool, then they could better deal with them.


Well a lot of the mana targeting abilities arent online yet, or at least i assume they arent. I havent seen a warlock cast drain mana, a priest cast mana burn, or a hunter use viper’s sting