Yay paladins!

Not understanding class counters is quite the indicator.

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Gold a pally sayings pallies aint broken but everyone that dont play pallies know the truth, all the denial wont stop the nerf hammer coming nice try tho fams


This guy is spittin.


WAAAAA WAAAAA paladins can do more than heal this time around WAAAA WAAAAA


Paladin is the clear winner of phase 1 runes additions. There really isn’t a close 2nd


The warrior tears over ret are delicious. And so ironic considering the dominant position of warrior in vanila classic.

So salty…sooo good…


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Considering era Paladin smashes warrior in pvp, think about how lopsided that will be now


In terms of rounding out their kit, yes, but then again, paladin was also pretty much an incomplete class in classic, so its not so much raising the bar compared to other classes, but rather just finally meeting the bar


Only in PvE. Era Pally was an is top tier in PvP, as is. Ret included.

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Yeahhhh… era paladin doesnt smash warriors. They just open up with diamond flask in their heal set and have a minute of 1000hp5 while they wail on the paladin in full fury

Yes it does. I main paladin in era and warrior is a free win, always.


Believe it when i see it. If you can, as an ap ret, outlast a fury warrior wailing on you for a full minute while their 1000hp5 ticks, id be impressed, but again, ill believe it when i see it

Typical warrior privilege on display; run to the forums to QQ for nerfs for any class approaching warrior tier dps in raids…

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I imagine if both factions could make paladins, they’d have already been nerfed into the ground. Everyone already made a hunter, but half the population can’t make paladins.

For perspective, you can’t even make an alliance character on the other two PvP servers lmao. I’d try on Chaos Bolt, but that’s where my horde toons are.

I imagine Blizzard uses class distribution as an indicator for when a class is too strong to some degree.

I mean, probably just giving them a good long day in the sun after many years of, “Haha, look a retadin!”

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Yeah again we are 25 out of 60 By the way, so many classes do not have the majority of their tool kit. So saying that paladins are overpowered now is silly.

It is a little crazy they have Bubble, BoP, LoH, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, HoJ and a class quest that gives them a ridiculous blue two hander, while most classes are still picking their nose, and that’s something Blizzard had a choice about cause two of those things are from runes, and they chose this level cap which magnifies how good that incredibly easy access blue twohander is.

I do agree with you conceptually, but it’s still worth acknowledging that they are way too strong right now, and it has consequences as long as the levels are capped this way.

It’s also crappy, cause if you didn’t pick alliance in the beginning, you can’t even make a paladin on another PvP server right now to try one out and participate in the overpoweredness. I just tried – every single other PvP server is faction locked. It’s wild.

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its not silly at all cs scales all the new stuff scales pally is broken af right now

Should someone tell him about what warriors get next phase?

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Oh I’m aware. That axe be nutty. But both sides can partake in the warrioring. Gonna be a whole lotta warriors next phase for sure.