Yay paladins!

In what way is dwarf worse than human when speaking specifically in a PvP thread?

Explain how human is better than dwarf in pvp lol.

All of that happens in an instant. What is your point, even?

And that Paladin was quite clearly playing/toying with Payo (who is one of the best rogues in Era, afterall).

perception is bis kappa

Facts. Human Paladin is garbage relative to Dwarf.

Human paladins are pond scum.

Dwarf paladins are the ultimate chad.

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bro, it doesn’t happen in an instant, the two whole follow up autos happen over the whole span of his hoj, and he also never judged right away either, probably was waiting to make sure he had vengeance up before he judged, so you could definitely lap before that goes off if you’re quick. Hell, if you’re SUPER quick, you can probably anticipate the hoj, lap it just before the reck bomb goes off, and avoid half the hits with dodges.

Just sounds to me like you need the dwarf racial to be better at pvp while people that play humans are just better by default.

Lol, you know bringing up counterplay just creates the same thing for me to do?

That was and is not that point. There is counterplay to everything.

Stoneform >>>>>>>>>> anything happening with human

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It’s okay, I get you need the racial as a handicap.

You’ll get on the human level eventually.

Oh yeah you play on a PvE server lol. You wouldnt know anything about PvP lol.

Gz on your +5 weapon skill when next phase everyone gets some kind of wpn skill :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Rolled the lesser race to meta cringe wow classic

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You either PvP or you don’t.

You dont.

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i mean, when your whole gimmick is counterplayed by a very common potion that basically anyone worth their salt will have a hefty stock of at 60, its kinda a bad gimmick

And that’s not even assuming that the SOD devs don’t give us all universal trinkets on a 2 minute cooldown, which ngl, I fully expect them to do, cause the 5 minute selective trinkets of vanilla are kinda trash design ngl.

Havent had a Paladin beat me 1v1. not hard to combat their abilities to be honest

It isn’t…all Paladins anticipate the LiP. If the LiP isn’t used, you unload. It if is, you move to Plan B.

You have been a trainwreck this entire time, my guy.

I pvp plenty little man. Guess you are not aware pvp still does in fact exist on pve severs.

It’s fine. Guess reading is too much for you. Just like humans despite not having the better pvp racials still dumpster you in pvp. Chin up, you’ll get good one day champ.

Orc stun resist go brrrrrrrr

There is zero chance that the best PvP players play on PvE servers.

My guess is that you are abysmal at PvP in this game and just do not know it.

Where did I say I was the best pvper? I just said I pvp when the clown of a DK says I do not.

As well as saying I am bad for picking the worst race for pvp. You realize knowingly handicapping yourself is a flex, right?

Honestly, it’s really sad that you take courtesy and literally giving you a chance to speak, as you “dunking” on me, or me being “a trainwreck”. Says a lot about your character.

I’ve been quite agreeable, and let you say your piece, but I’m kinda done letting you speak to me like that, so enjoy living in your bubble, I hope one day you grow into a better person.