Yay paladins!


They were NOT the “best healer” in classic. Not at all.

They healed the tank.

You’re bouncing between two different conversations and confusing the points over and over.

It isn’t a cheesy one shot. It is reliable and goes off in a fight, without any pre-buildup, all the time. It is easily manufactured by the player.

You’re wrong there too, but that is what you are used to, so that makes sense.

You also don’t need to HoJ to do it. You can nade, you can rocket helm, etc.

Ok, and a mage warlock or ele shaman can reliably do more damage than that from range

You clearly don’t understand what S tier actually means

Sure, but that is where freedom, proper movement, and bubble come into play.

And I am not sure if youre talking duels here or group dynamics.

In classic WoW mana management was king for healers and paladins were the best at it. Even with shaman having chain heal, paladins with equivalent gear still out performed them. I suppose there could be an argument for priests being the better healer, but raids brought more holy paladins than priests for a reason.

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well, firstly, nade and rocket helm break upon damage, so you don’t get your free follow ups, because again, it was the 3 followup crits that actually sealed the duels in all of those circumstances, and secondly, you can still lap those anyway

S-Tier means top in all forms of pvp content.

Dude, are you serious? Lol…

You wait out the lap, nade or rocket helm and drop the stack.

You don’t think a healing paladin is S tier in group PvP?

You seem to think that not being completely useless somehow = being S tier

You have made it abundantly clear you do not understand what S tier actually means

It means you are the absolute apex of pvp builds, a must have in every team comp

Ret paladin has NEVER been S tier

Holy paladin however…

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Would take you more seriously if you posted on your SoD character rather than clowning around on your DK. Ball is in your court little green man.

bro are you dense? I said LAP not LIP

Do you know the difference?

Guess what, there is a thing called “respec” that everyone uses. And guess what? Every paladin walks around with both sets ready to go…

Oh look, now you’re back peddling and talking about holy paladin :clown_face:

Indeed, I do. I doubt you do, in practice.

The one breaks the stun, guess what, you hold the reck stack until you know you can land it…

No, I already said I run holy/reck in group premades.

I said PALADIN is S Tier. PALADIN as holy/reck or Ret/Reck is the same class, genius.

And often the gearing isnt that diff if the reck paladin focuses SP

No, you multiple times have argued that RETRIBUTION paladin is S tier in era pvp

The proof is literally there for everyone to see

Nope. Not once have I even typed that word. Go ahead, quote me.

I will wait.

And again, you didn’t listen. In almost every one of his reck bombs, he did about 3 hits of 350 damage, and 2 hits of 700, whats that add up to? about 3150 damage.

How much hp did payo have? 4.8k? The remainder of the damage was from a crit judgement, and 2 more crit autos. If you lap after the reck bomb, you still have over 1500hp left, and every time the paladin was on jack all hp, and would have died instantly.