Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

maybe consider what you are posting is actually offensive? if its happening to “6 or 7 posts” in a single day its maybe a you problem

Do you know how hard it is to be nice sometimes? (I do manage to control the language at least.)

Actually, I was censored for saying that a certain mmo had interesting loading screens, interesting by means of how this korean mmo dressed their younger females. I wasn’t being mean, just stating a fact.

I had my reply deleted for calling blizzard incompetent. Yep, just that. No offenses, no swearing or anything remotely offensive.

Yet an mvp directly attacks me and goes as far as to compare the player base to rapists and it’s all good nothing happens to him because blizzard clearly enjoys that wet bootlicking


It wasn’t. Just someone with a weird obsession that day. Or someones. All of his posts were reinstated.

You had to edit to be even more edgy huh.

LMAO! :rofl:

yeah i didn’t feel the previous reply and edgy enough

Not sure they’d like me much then.

No names was mentioned. Just said how the player said etc etc.

I’d make this fix/enhancement a low priority too. The goal should not be for posters to fine tune exactly how close to the line they can get before being actioned, the goal is to be sufficiently above reproach that it’s never an issue in the first place.

And yet the issue is that completely benign posts will get flagged into oblivion simply because someone disliked posting of facts, asking a question, etc.

Some guy yesterday asked a basic simple question about the game, absolutely nothing of opinion or attitude. Nothing. Just a question. And someone went out of their way to flag it, even posting that they were flagging it.


Or perhaps bad systems can be abused. Considering none of mine or Rhielle’s conflicting posts within the same thread were deemed bad by Blizzard, and the flags were reversed. It was simply angry people on opposite sides of debate reporting us. For example, I could just spam flag your post that I’m responding to now into being hidden. That doesn’t make your post offensive. I could spam flag every post of yours in this thread into being hidden. That wouldn’t mean your posts were offensive, simply that I’m a prick abusing the system

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I too would like to know exactly what has been flagged.

I just came off a three day silence for “harassment”, simply because I called out an OP on an trolling OP. In hindsight I can see my post was directed, so I’ll wear it despite other posts in the thread being far worse and not being flagged.

What I didn’t like was that someone reported a post a post of mine in the same thread as a “real life threat”. In no way have I ever threatened anyone on these forums.

This flagging system really, REALLY needs a rehash and do-over.


It’s not just the flagging system. These admins that review the flags are just as bad. You can tell they are extremely biased towards certain things.


for sure. they allow A LOT of duplicate threads(spam)

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I got a week vacation last year for supporting law enforcement on one of those rage fit you know what threads. Flagged for racism. I saved screens of that one. After that I lost all respect for the admin team.

I simply said don’t resist arrest and don’t commit felonies. No curse words and no calling a person out. Boom gone.


This would have done my head in. I work in law enforcement (not in America kind you) so I’m glad I wasn’t around for that thread.

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I just got off a two-day vacation for daring to biologically define males.


I work in a prison myself. Keep your head down and stay safe. People don’t have respect for that kind of work these days.


Yep. You guys will probably end up being flagged to oblivion for being 12 (don’t even know what that means, saw it in a rap video).