Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

Good ideas bear themselves out in debate & bad ones fail swiftly. So what do those that seek to impose control over others from a place of fear do? The only answer is to silence reason.

Edit: & if that’s not enough to convince/inspire people to unite perhaps 10 thousand years of action / consequences will bring them back to reason.

Considering Blizzard is larger than a mom and pops type of company, I’m sure they’ve had some modifications done that didn’t come ‘right out of the box.’

Nodding in silent agreement.

Or worse. lol

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I find this offensive


the ability to flag super old posts is silly, too.

especially now that language is evolving at such an accelerated rate.

i could say something today which is perfectly harmless, but if someone comes across the post in a couple of years, some of the words may have been assigned new meanings, and the post is suddenly outrageously offensive.

EU forum lock their threads in GD when they’ve bee 30 days without a reply.
this needs to happen here, too.


yes, the ignore feature was one of those things.

People here use the flag button as “disagree” button.

They do the same on platforms such as reddit, where they clearly state that even downvoting is not what you do if you disagree; that, in fact doing so is against their code of conduct, but no one cares because people are awful.

Fully agree. Haven’t had any of my old posts flagged (knock on wood) but have had plenty of ancient threads of mine necro’d. I’m not sure how people find them but they sure do.

Or they can literally email you the offending post?


Why not? It’s 2021 and this company is known for being overly controlling (see also: Overwatch).

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Language isn’t evolving currently, it’s being corrupted to strip a persons free will. There’s a compulsion for those to determine the fate for all. Pay close attention to how language used in media & you will see how they attempt to frame your thinking for you.

Don’t agree? face ostracism & the consequences that go along with it. But the consequences of ostracism pales in comparison with compromising oneself & beliefs for short time gains in this pathetic world.

Edit: & Goebbels must be so proud at how his works still being improved upon & manipulated in the so called free world…

My reason for doing this is to plant seeds in the minds of others to grow; they are free to accept or reject whatever they wish but I know what starts the catalyst; it’s up to the free will of all to determine which path is to be tread. Actions / consequences.

When evil is rewarded there will be great suffering in the world. All that’s needed to fix this is for society to punish evil & reward good behavior.

Apologies for the many edits, takes me time to distill thoughts as I’m being guided by something I barely understand. But alas I am a murky vessels that distorts the light so it can be difficult at times.

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100% Agree, its stupid we are given no indication of what the post was, and if youre active, good luck trying to find it

Yeah, most forums I belong to do this. I don’t understand why Blizzard won’t and we know it’s a ‘won’t’ and not a ‘can’t’.

Could have sworn someone made a post about the account based thing, saying Blizzard is working on having it changed.

But that was back when the forums first switched over.

this isn’t tinfoil level stuff.
gamers in particular, tend to re-invent meanings.

in fact, i saw a thread title before which had a combination of 3 letters which shocked me a little, because 30 years ago those 3 letters meant something completely different to what they do in the gaming context which they were used.

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I find it funny that the people thinking this is a problem are the same people that consistently post sarcastic, witty comebacks that they think everyone will like and upvote because they are “funny.”

Yeah, no. Like this guy said,

If you get flagged regularly and have to think “oh, man, which post is it this time??” then you actually have a problem.

Despite the system being bad many people here don’t ever have to worry about getting flagged because they aren’t insufferable. There is such a thing as having a personality that doesn’t fit with a community.

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This implies there is a point when you may NOT be drinking. This is a troll post.

You overestimate us.

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Flag them! Flag them all!

Or just do what they do when they restore the post and put the message in there. lol

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