Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

i’ve seen it happen a grand total of one time, and that was only because the person doing it was bragging about it in the thread… they thought it was hilarious that they could bury posts with alts.

this really needs to not be a thing.

one account should have the ability to issue one report.

Sometimes when I’m bored, I will search your post history and flag something you posted at pure random.

Just to unnerve you. :smiling_imp:

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When someone likes, replies, or quotes your post, you can click the notification and it takes you your post that the notification is about.

There’s zero reason not to use this exact same logic in the flagged message notification.


i tryed to ask once
i just got its the none of your business attitude lol

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But that’s not what I’m talking about.

When someone false flags a post and it gets hidden, you get a system message telling you a post was flagged. It doesn’t tell you which post.

But then when it’s restored, that’s when it tells you which post. I just think the first message should tell you which post, as well.

Crepe is cool, though. Misunderstandings happen.

This will be the third false flagged message in two days for me.



Like irl, the lack of transparency is a tool used to maintain the power advantage over the masses.

Mods usually tell you after they ban you…
But if you don’t get banned then the mods think the flaggers were just too sensitive or flag trolling.

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The introduction of upvotes/downvotes on the WoW forums was a mistake, they’ve been misused since day one. The way flags get used as a downvote button is likely a side effect of posters who got upset that the downvote button was removed due to rampant abuse.

That’s not to say that upvotes/downvotes can be productive — I think they can, but only in smallish tight-knit communities where it’s easier to ensure that the feature isn’t misused. In communities the size of GD it’s a disaster.

I think maybe the fix to all of this might be to:

  • Change flagging to have zero auto-moderation properties and make flags visible only by mods.
  • Add a downvote button back, but make it an inert counter button (e.g. it can’t ever hide posts) to act as an angry click sponge.

I was saying about my example =x

I’ve had my fair share and no, they don’t.

Well they did told me when I got banned.

How much did you have to pay?

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The only real problem with dislikes when they were in was the fact they hide posts. If they had simply changed it to where dislikes didn’t hide the posts then there would have been no need to remove them.


I do not know him personally and I may be a bit hasty to judge, unfairly so I might add, but my experience with mvps on this forum has led me to resent all of them.

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you must be one of those “glass half full” kind of guys

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It seems like the flagging message is automated once a post receives enough flags-- then a moderation looks at it and either restores it, leaves it, or deletes it and issues a silence.

But I’m sure, Mods can see if the same account is flagging from different alts. Just like I’m sure they can see multiple people from the same account upvoting post.

The problem is, we have no idea exactly how moderation works.

It would be simpler if everything, including upvotes were account based than character based. And this could have something to do with the software which we already know Blizzard doesn’t own.

I’m still trying to figure out why they went from writing their own software to purchasing software-- There wasn’t anything wrong with the old forums.

Seems like a very unneeded expense and ‘upgrade’.

For me, there’s only one that needs his green taken away. The rest I haven’t had issues with.


Yeah I agree, the only reason they became a problem is because there were coordinated groups (guilds, etc) that’d roll through and bury any post going against a particular idea or advocating for ideas they didn’t like.

There shouldn’t be a post burying function at all, either through downvotes/dislikes or via flagging. It’s too prone to abuse.

Yes, yes it does.

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the posts were still there, you just had to click on them.

…the same as now

or a moderator doesn’t look at it, and the flag falls off after a set amount of time, and the post is restored.

the information is available on the Discourse website.