Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

Define Most?


Yep. And the fact that you can be flagged simply by mass reporting. If too many people dislike your post they can spam report even if you did nothing wrong.

Then it’s up to whichever gm happens to review the reports and how they interpret the insanely vague TOS.

A lot of the moderation process is just bad. Watch me get silenced for this :rofl:


Sometimes I have a way with words. I referred to myself as a cunning linguist.

I got a vacation.

I mean COME ON!!! (Wonder if it garners a 2nd one… should it? If so then buh bai!)


Honestly the whole flagging system is horrible for 3 reasons

It’s tuned for the most sensitive of people

It’s also weaponised by members of the community

It’s the default down vote button when in actual fact it’s a moderation tool


the screenshot i linked above is from 18 hours ago (which is displayed in the ss)

no email came with it.
yes, i checked my spam filter.



Someone in game actually commented on me using the F word… even used the think-of-the-children angle.

For the life of me I never understand why people like that disabled the mature word filter in the first place.

I guess when they get angry, the tool of moral-superiority over potty mouth is too much to resist during a nyah-nyah-fest.


I would disagree with this statement. It’s not intelligence, it being aware of social norms. Those norms vary widely across all WoW’s demographics. I see things every day on here that if I were a MOD there would be serious time outs, but nothing gets done and some are actually SUPPORTED by the MODS.

I have said things that are no different than anything I would have said anywhere in my 50 years and gotten a silence for it. No I am not someone who has no idea of social norms, I had to enforce certain rules in one of the largest Corporate America businesses.

The problem is different things upset different people. And honestly some people just want to get upset over things.


I think that in game chat you wont get into problems for it cause of mature language filter =P

I’m pretty good at languages. I grew up with alcoholics who would rarely speak coherently. I was a programmer. I learned German.

With all of that experience, I am unable to decode what your sentence was supposed to mean.


fixed =xxx

Something really needs to be done about all the false flagging.

I just had a post flagged that was flagged before and a moderator restored it.


Hehe ah okay. Yeah I didn’t get in any TROUBLE.

I was still surprised to see an adult trying to harp at me for saying the word. /shrug

Other adults do plenty of dumb things in my opinion. Unless they’re causing danger for a person, it doesn’t occur to me to tell a moron adult to stop what they’re doing.

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it excludes green text


the language filter isn’t going to prevent you from being silenced if you say something offensive and get reported.

it’s also entirely possible to be complete repulsive without using any words which the language filter would catch.

also edited, the original content of this post, because … all of us are already being naughty for discussing moderation… even though we’re simply suggesting features and/or requesting that blizzard action the false flaggers like they stated they would.

I got a 24hr silence recently. Then not even halfway through that silence it was lifted.

I didn’t ask for it to be. I was annoyed sure as my post was marginally remove worthy but not silence worthy but 24hrs was not worth the battle to fight.

Basically to survive on these boards just think of it as a Catholic kindergarten class and adjust your comments accordingly.

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There. I edited my post. Hopefully it’s ok now. Sigh

For post flagging, they won’t. If you catch a silence, they used to send you an Email stating what post and what rule you broke.

It was like that even after they switched to the new forums. But I dunno if it’s still like that or not.

i imagine the times i got vacations are because i seem to have a remarkable ability to elicit a very strong reaction to some things i say because i generally turn off my tact filter

i edited what i quoted.

it’s pretty bad that we have to walk on eggshells.

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And that’s why we need to have it like Overwatch forms where it’s based off of the battlenet tag name in fourms…
So no alt mass flaging