Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

I haven’t been suspended in a long time. Maybe the mods finally took my wanted picture down in the office.

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Harassment meaning in Oxford dictionary “ aggressive pressure or intimidation”. How is that not subjective

What u consider aggressive might not be what I consider aggressive

The same goes for trolling.


it’s the mask.
they just can’t tell it’s you.

How can anyone be this complacent? Insultingly = different things for different people. Offensive = anything you disagree with.

You ending up in forum jail is entirely on the shoulders of whether the blizz employee is feeling super woke, or super lazy.

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You are attempting to change the subject from “following basic rules of social behavior” (and the forum/game Code of Conduct) to talking about major social and scientific debate.

Two very very different things. :slight_smile:

One can easily debate the game direction, challenge ideas about it, give opinions on it - even unpopular ones, without Blizzard getting upset. What I was talking about was the profanity, personal insults, etc - things that absolutely do NOT encourage a civil or productive debate.

I know things are a lot more relaxed nowadays - you don’t get dragged by your ear to the kitchen and have your mouth washed out with soap. It is still rational though to treat strangers and others with politeness - even if grandma is not standing behind you.

It is not some sort of crazy social injustice to be kind and polite. That is age old. Courtly, Chivalrous, mannerly even! People are not being oppressed by manners.

you offend me big **** head is extremely racist in my country

You claim to have read the CoC but can’t even be bothered to use that as an argument.

LAST TIME: if it’s not in the CoC, it doesn’t get reported.

Please don’t reply to me again. I am not engaging with you anymore.

Or would you like me to use the vague definitions of harassment and attempt to flag you? Because by your “subjective” reasoning, I should do that. :roll_eyes:

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to be fair, they’re quite literally trolling at this point.



i didn’t know meanies were a race.
i’m sorry, i’ll try to be more culturally sensitive in the future.

Go ahead and flag me if u “feel” like I’m harassing you. ( which is ur opinion ).The mods can decide the outcome.

Also I apologise if u feel like I’m harassing you it’s not my intention. Let me know if there is something I can do to change that. I would like to correct my behaviour and I can’t change it if u don’t let me know


there’s a thread over in Customer Support which may help you understand what is being said.

While the whole thing is an educational read, the final post in particular may be of some assistance to you:

Blizzard's Forum Rules / Support Responses


You think you know what you did, but you don’t


I read it, I understand there are people who will abuse the function to flag but isn’t that what moderators are for to judge wether it is an actual abuse of coc ?


people are expected to be able to use their own discretion to understand what is an actual abuse of the CoC.

flagging something simply because you’re offended by it, doesn’t mean that it’s against the CoC.

there are posts which are clear violations which need tending to.
mods have better things to do than act as a shield.
if someone shares an opinion which doesn’t violate the CoC, yet you are still offended by it, consider the possibility that the issue isn’t with the poster, but with your perception of the intention of their post.

if you find this happening frequently, it’s much more suitable to use the ignore feature, instead of bogging down the report system with posts which aren’t breaking any rules.

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sure thing, I play wow since tbc pre patch never got a warning, 1 month in the foruns already got a ban for “ofending a trinket”

Great! That means you never got reported in game for something the mods found against the rules. If you kept your colorful chat to Guild and personal friends, that would help keep you from being reported.

You got a suspension you mean? It means you got reported and a mod felt it was worth an action.

The same rules apply in both places though. The biggest differences between TBC (old WoW) and now are that you can right click report chat now instead of having to put in a separate ticket and they now Silence instead of totally suspend from the game.

At least now you know how it all works so you can avoid penalties.

If someone feels harassed then that should get report/flag no matter how insignificant the comment may seem to others. Harassing people is against CoC.

Same with if you feel like someone is trolling it should get flagged/reported as it is against CoC to troll.

U mentioned “perception” the words harassment and trolling are entirely based on perception. For example - Torghast is designed really well, I love spending hours in torghast. This comment cant be perceived as a troll or an actual post. Hence it gets flagged and then the mod decides if its trolling


And if a mod perceives this as trolling, then what? The entire system puts you at the mercy of ideological mobs. You say “women are mean” the feminists flag you, If the moderator is a feminist, you go to jail. If you say “heavily obese people should adjust their diet before they die” the body positive group flags you and if the moderator is overweight… You go to jail.

I could go on and on.

Anytime I see the word Obscene used on the forums… Eminem: Without Me plays in my head… the whole song.

How about I just spritz you with some smell good…

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You what with a what?
I’m confused…

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