Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

but… that feature is used here.
players report a post, the post gets hidden.
this is quite literally the definition of community moderation.
the post stays hidden until the flags are seen to and dealt with, by a staff member.

just because players don’t have the ability to remove posts and apply account actions, doesn’t mean it isn’t community moderation.

staff handle the actions, based on community reports.

i feel like this is one of those words which has sort of changed meaning a bit over the passage of time.
causing a post to become buried, is a form of moderation.


also wanted to add that most of the times when confusion about reports is mentioned in CS, it’s when people make claims of “auto-silence” or “auto-ban”.
…references to ingame account actions which don’t exist.


They can…

It would mean we post on our Battletags like all the other Blizzard forums. That would be the simple way and the way the software is designed to work from a base standpoint.

The individual posting chars was something done only for WoW and the forum stats are linked to each char as though the char is a mini sub account.

I suppose they COULD link them together on the back end so that you have one set of stats (trust level, likes, read count, flags, post count) per Bnet account and have it just reflect that no matter the char you post on. Not quite as easy as posting by Btag, but doable.

The WHY part is far trickier. WoW historically posts by chars as part of the whole RPG thing - and people don’t like it when you can figure out their alts by post count, achievement count, etc. I think they are afraid to move WoW to the Btag posting all the other games use - anticipating player push back and sadness.

A long time, although to be fair Blizzard does not make the software. Even when we first got it, it did not have perm ignore. Thankfully it does now.

This is a separate issue I am not getting into. It is not related to the forum software though - not exactly.

Yeah, we get 5.

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You must be fun at parties.

Many people wouldn’t be able to post then. Same bans yes are deserved there are some however, that are VERY subjective.

Would anyone else love to see the statistics of who is flagging? I mean, is it like 9 purple haired SJWs, cultivating their indignities, that flag a majority of the posts? That is, is there an outlier of professionally offended people censoring participation? I mean, from the whispers I’ve received, I highly doubt that the vast majority of the player base would be offended by the vast majority of the censored comments.


Maybe not but my point is if there are multiple people who think a post is trolling to get bait responses then they should flag it. This is also subjective issue so in the end the decision falls on blizz to take the final action :).


And again… no one is taking that ability away from you.

Can you please actually read what’s in the CoC before you make another comment on this topic? Because that specifically covers what you’re talking about and is not what we are talking about.


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I have read them and they are working as intended


Zeno… read the words I am typing and comprehend them this time:

  1. Flagging needs changed to reporting
  2. The vague wording when you hit “flag” needs to be reworded to exactly what it stated in the CoC.
  3. People need to stop abusing the flags on benign posts.

Do you understand that this time? How many times do I need to repeat myself??


No. We also don’t say who reports to the police crime tip line. Kind of obvious why.

There are people who abuse the report system, and some do get forum suspensions for it.

However, disparaging (and stereotyping) those who report actual violations is not ok. Some people think it is “cool” to be as rude or crude as possible without consequences. It is not… and people reporting for it are not the bad guys.

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I agree with point 1 and point 2

But point 3. you can’t call a post benign just because it doesn’t affect you. What u think is benign might be considered trolling or harassment by someone else.


Then we’re done. There is no more.

If it doesn’t break CoC, it doesn’t get flagged. Period. End of story.

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most things against CoC are subjective there is no better way to handle it than what it is currently


Same, they showed me the “offending” post in both emails.

Neither were actually offensive, but I was being hunted on another character I posted on. (I know this because that same person would quote me and insult me in threads where I was simply having small talk conversation. Every single thread I was in, that poster would do this. Switched forum characters and haven’t had an issue since though I have seen this poster still around. Though this probably is another issue in these forums, never saw that guy get a vacation for the harassment I definitely reported.)

Some people think it is “cool” to be as rude or crude as possible without consequences. It is not… and people reporting for it are not the bad guys.

Au contraire mon frere. Abuse comes from both sides of the equation. There is no law of socio-dynamics that states, “Being rude or crude must have consequences.” Those who use “being offended” to limit the parameters of discourse are often control-freaks whose personality is such that they don’t like their belief system to be contradicted or confronted. That is the process by which conformists manufacture totalitarianism. Those doing the reporting are absolutely sometime the bad guys - passively-aggressively (and without taking responsibility to defend their actions) stifling others. Galileo Galilei once stated that the solar system followed the Nicolaus Copernicus model, and not the Ptolemaic model. For that, he offended the established order. Galileo, like Copernicus before him, was correct (morally and in fact). Those that push to limit the parameters of acceptable discourse are not the revolutionaries or progressives. They are acute conformists.

Wrong. The old reporting system worked just fine and used the current CoC we have. It worked better, because it was a report function and couldn’t be mistaken as a downvote. It was clear, concise and followed the CoC.

The CoC isn’t vague. The random crap they put on the flag pop up is vague. “Inflammatory, extraneous and upsetting” is vague and is not explained in the CoC. Thus, the issue.


If it’s not in the CoC, it shouldn’t be flagged.

Now stop arguing in circles. I’m done with you.

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looks at the forum CoC

Most of it is not subjective at all. Most of it is pretty cut and dry.

There ARE parts that are, but that is the minority of it. Trolling is the most subjective of the areas on there.

We get 5 flags per 24 hours - they should be used wisely if used at all. Is it really worth flagging someone fishing with “Does anyone else feel [insert flame bait here]”? If people just ignore those threads they sink off the forums instead. No fish caught - no attention gained.

I guess people can do what they want with the flags they have, but they should ask themselves if a moderator really needs to spend time on it or not. Of course, they should also not alt hop to abuse the reporting system!

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Harassment is vague…
Trolling is vague…

They are both in coc


This is big time trolling. Posters respond by talking about nuances and you respond by repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over.

We all know the rules. The rules don’t always cover every nuance, so people comment and they get the same in your face response every time.

No wonder a post was flagged.



This. :point_up:


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