Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

I Respectfully disagree man. If you find something offensive u should be able to report and the fact that blizz has it in their flagging option shows its part of their rules. I believe blizz links offensive posts to being same as harassment posts.


I find your transmog offensive, so I’m going to report you because ‘lol subjective.’


True. It’s obscene.

And you should report me if u find me offensive. In the end blizz will decide if it is worth banning or not :slight_smile:


I don’t find you offensive, but you certainly are annoying! :tada::clap:t2:

Opposing opinions usually are annoying haha. But if I take the emotion out of it u can enjoy a nice discussion.


That’s trolling on his part, according to the backwards logic the mods follow.

As was already quoted by another poster, masked profanity is also not allowed on the forums.

The forum rules have not changed. Blizzard has never allowed profanity, harassment, threats, etc. Now, not everyone gets caught, but if they do, then they have always gotten posts deleted, suspensions, and even perma bans for some things. Most moderation is handled by flagging posts which brings them to the Mod team’s attention. The Forum Mods handle all the Blizzard forums for all the games. They don’t go around looking for people to punish.

As for in game - the same things are against the rules in game as well. Right click and report for language. If the mods agree then the person now gets a Silence penalty (used to be a game suspension). We see people complain about it regularly.


The Community does not moderate. We can report, but that is it. Moderation is handled by Blizzard - those staff are accountable to their bosses.

Much like speeding, if you get caught you get a ticket. If not, it does not mean you did nothing wrong. It just means you did not get caught.

People are far far less sensitive in modern times. My grandma would have hauled most kids off by the ear and washed their mouth out with soap for a fraction of what is said on the forums, much less the game.

The Mature language filter in game is for parents to ensure that when people break the rules, the kids don’t see it. It is not permission to swear or otherwise use abusive language. If you get reported in game for profanity, even if the filter blocks it, a Mod can apply the Silence penalty to your account.

The forums, and the games are public environments with strangers of all ages and backgrounds. Be polite and conduct yourself like you would around real people you don’t know.

Keep the colorful stuff between you and your friends who you know enjoy the same humor and language.

EDIT - on the subject of the thread, yes, it would be nice if the forum software alerted you to which post was hidden. The software tells you which post got “likes”, so it should be able to tell you which was flagged - then you can easily find it and see if the mods removed the flags.

If you get an actual penalty - you do get the email with one of the offending posts in it. So that part works at least.

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Once again… no one is taking away your ability to report something.

But once again… you don’t get to flag someone asking a question about, say, Torghast when they say they think it’s trash.

Literally posted the CoC section for you. Which you keep ignoring. Like everything I’m saying. :roll_eyes:

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This is what annoys me to no end.

When reports hit posts that are just criticizing something and aren’t breaking the rules, not only should the flag NEVER stick around as they often do, but those who reported it should be actioned.

I still won’t forget the time I got flagged for calling Tyrande a garbage, useless leader, and it was upheld.


Didn’t you know, Blizzard has rules for their own convenience not because they want to have rules that really matter to help the playerbase.

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when a post gets hidden, it’s as a result of “community moderation”.

it’s even described this way by the people who created the software.

the community moderates.

employees apply actions based on community reports.


Discourse has that feature - Blizzard does not USE that feature though - not the way Blizz defines moderation.

Blizzard only enables reports.

Staff handle the actual Moderation. You spend enough time on the CS forum to know the difference :slight_smile: Vrak and friends are very careful to point out the difference between player reports and staff moderation.

Actually being harassed be feeling harassed. There is no way to tell the difference because it is subjective. I implore you to show some empathy towards other people it’s a nice thing to do


If someone feels like a topic is created to troll they should report it under the option of trolling.


I report every post on the forums. They need to give me more flags because I’m in a constant state of “being offended.”

Blizzard’s standard response to something of this nature is that it’s up to us to evaluate what we’re putting on the board.


Its a bad response design and in fact you can message them by opening a ticket to find out. Anything can be considered “overly edgy” or mean or just flagged for no reason aside that people disagree with you.

Saying that people are not smart if they cannot figure it out without any reference is a very poor way of phrasing it.

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And yet still can’t fix reporting on alts.

It took how long to get an ignore feature? How long did it take to fix the unsubbed posting issues?

You would be on days till you get flags back lol


Nothing about my example was trolling. Try again.

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