Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

While that would be logical, it would invite retributive acts.

It’s Inappropriate

This post contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or a violation of our code of conduct.“

When you click flag this option shows up.
So I think offensive posts are agains blizzards toc


I mean, I’ve got posts up with unmasked language and haven’t been flagged or banned over those. They just selectively enforce their policies now, and have become extremely sensitive in the modern times.

yeah thats why I was asking for a mature language filter for the foruns too =/

And the CoC is pretty clear on what is called considered harassment.

Except it’s not.

And that’s our point: it shouldn’t and needs changed to coincide with the actual CoC I listed above.

You don’t get to flag this post and claim “I’M OFFENDED” just because you want to bury it.


a lot of it is to do with how much you annoy people.

frequent posters have a target on their forehead.

which explains this:

i could say something mean about a cute kitty, and people would jump to report it in the hope that a mod is too overworked to pay attention, and sticks me with a holiday.

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Nobully is anti-kitty. Got it. Reported.

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Insultingly referring to players is considered offensive.
I think it’s fine because in the end blizz makes the final decision.
Offensive posts should against TOC


This “judgement” can be difficult to apply when trying to investigate which post got flagged when people intentionally abuse the system.

It’s also not a fair assumption to request others to use their judgement to determine which post was flagged when the community has proven time and time again to falsely flag posts they disagree with but don’t break the TOS.

For example, I got flagged to oblivion once and insta-silenced for posting a rainbow flag in a thread to support LGBTQ characters. I didn’t break TOS, or the Code of Conduct because my post was restored, but it just proves that we can’t always determine which post was flagged if we are following the rules.

If our post is flagged and hidden, we should be made aware of which post it was. :woman_shrugging:t2::sparkles:

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And is covered in the CoC portion that I quoted to you.

Sir, no one is saying blatantly offensive posts shouldn’t be sanctioned. We’re all saying the benign posts that aren’t offensive at all shouldn’t be subject to abuse. Yet time and time again, we see simple questions get flagged into oblivion for zero reason.

But you have to realise not everyone has a tough skin. People need to watch what they say. In a world where anxiety depression is at an all time high we should all try to make our posts non offensive as much as we can.

And the best part is just because a post is flagged doesn’t mean it is actually considered offensive by blizzard. If it’s not offensive blizz will restore it :slight_smile:


It also depends who you flag… going after one user burns the flags faster

Thats weird. Every time I take a forum vacation it tells me the post

a vacation will.

but if the post is buried, the notification doesn’t point to the post in question.

This has zero to do with actual CoC rules.

People need to follow the rules. Other people need to not abuse them. Flagging needs changed to reporting and these vague words need taken out of the report reasons.

You don’t get to flag this post just because you dislike it and want to say you’re offended.

Abuse of the flag system is rampant. Blizzard shouldn’t have to reinstate so much stuff because you don’t like someone’s opinion. Move on if you dislike it.

I could swear it tells me when it happens. I guess I need to test it.

Offensive black person word

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That would require that the moderators actually do more than the bare minimum.

I was notified of one yesterday and it quoted which one it was. Didn’t say why. Someone just didn’t like what I said. It wasn’t even mean or anything. :man_shrugging:t2: Oh well.

Oh boy :roll_eyes: Look out for that pendulum. It’s going to swing back real hard at some point.

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Wow! An emphatic NO it’s not. You put yourself out there when you post. You HAVE to KNOW you’ll get blow back by someone - sometimes intelligent, other times not so much. It’s the nature of the beast of social media in any form.

“Feeling” harrassed and actually being harassed are two different things. One gal kept at me for the same post three times regardless that I didn’t respond. Definitely felt harrassed at that point. And, it was a touchy subject matter. My first time I flagged that didn’t matter a damn because no one else cared ( rightfully so - I didn’t expect back up nor needed it.) However, just cuz I felt harrassed and humiliated a tad no mod stepped in.

What’s weird is innocuous, maybe a little snarky, or intelligent conversation starters get flagged enough to take action without anyone in a position of authority doing something about it.

So, no, it’s not working well.

I was a moderator for five years for a forum with nine others on a board ruffly between 1/3 and 1/2 the size of this one for people in recovery for addiction. Now imagine a bunch of people in various degrees of recovery being over sensitive, not sure how to handle all the new emotions flooding them, plus in a actual physical withdrawal. Try moderating that forum!

When you use the word “you” in response negatively; calling names, ect it’s not cool. Keep doing it to the same person it is harrassment. That isn’t subjective. That requires action that rarely happens here.

PS - just muted the subject. People have options.