Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

Who cares? Then don’t post in it at all. You don’t get to decide that someone’s idea or opinion should be silenced.


I’ve been flagged for emojis so… it can be anything lol
Gotta walk on egg shells for some people or their fragile feels get hurt.

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It took more than one person to bury a post. It was a good chunk of people

  1. It doesn’t matter. Burying ideas and opinions is not how you use a forum.
  2. “You” can also mean “you all,” including more than one person. Doesn’t matter.

You don’t use the report function as a downvote just to bury a post you don’t like.


Downvotes would just be used to shut down dissenting opinions. In truth if it was up to me there wouldn’t even be a like system.


I know it doesn’t matter, but if someone is flagging something because they have an unhealthy behavior and oversensitivity, I honestly couldn’t care less how much of a vague, subjective reasoning they could come up with to justify that.

If you can’t simply dismiss statements because “you’re offended”, just know you’re not entitled to anyone limiting their opinions in any way just to make you feel more comfortable.

Obviously, as I said before, this doesn’t really matter, as the report system caters to these kinds of people, but if the flagging system wasn’t exactly anonymous, it would be extremely apparent how pathetic these people really are.

The people who overuse the flag system due to their unhealthy behavior and lack of emotional self-control know that they can get away with it and will flag at will, as there’s really no penalty for doing so. Just understand the social majority on these forums, and probably the entire internet, frown upon that kind of practice and you’re not doing anything better for yourself by partaking in it.

I expect this to be flagged because it speaks the truth that these people don’t want to hear.


Get rid of upvote if we can’t have both

That’s… literally what he said.


Lemme give you an example of how upvotes can be used as well. Person starts a thread saying"I feel like mythic+ should be award higher ilevel loot" First post responses with"This idea is complete and utter garbage". Then gets a bunch of likes. Said poster is essentially attacking the person by using their like count.

The system is garbage fire, and you want them to run in and grab your baby? They started the fire!

Blizz could care less. The forums need to be restored to how they were 5yrs ago.

You don’t necessarily need to swear to get silenced. You can censor yourself and still get banned from the forums. It’s happened to me twice where I used asterisks in place of an entire word.

The WoW forums are ungodly PC these days, especially considering what was allowed previously. The lack of in-game chat moderation lets you say some of the most heinous things in-game and never face any repercussions.

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This true - somewhat. I’ve only flagged twice. One was a personal attack on the state of mental health issues and the other on physical disabilities. Ironically they were in defense of the OP. Every other personal attack I’ve ignored - let people get their jollies off - fine. I don’t get on the forums or post a topic if I don’t know I am in a healthy, balanced place.

That said persons that so called police the forums are basically idjits.

What I’d like to know, as I don’t understand this component on the flagging system: do the mods review said post before making it semi-invisable just because it gets a bunch of flags? If they don’t that is the most IDIOTIC system I’ve heard.

If anyone has any brains out there, flaggers or mods, they must realize the more of Rhielle’s posts in this thread get that collective flag “public announcement” the more this thread will gather momentum and not go away. Surely, please tell me the stupidity does not go to the top?

" It is the humble opinion of this narrator that is not just ‘something that happened.’ This cannot be one of those things…This, please, cannot be that." Magnolia; narrator

And boy do I wish I could put videos up: same move; Frank T.J. Mackey ( played by T Cruise) - “What am I doing? I’m quietly judging you.”

It’s automatically buried once a certain threshold of flags have been marked from that person’s post.

Honestly, I just see it as laziness and a way to put a bandage on the problems by saying “well, you can just report and we’ll look at it” when it’s clearly being abused. Then again, with the low wages and firings that acti-blizz seems to manage, it’s not surprising that they’d put less into how the forums are moderated.

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It’s kind of interesting in this thread to see how many forum regulars have had posts flagged/removed, yet still have trust level 3…

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Just an aside: for the longest time I thought all that red around a players thumbnail avatar was a red clown mog. Kept freaking the hell out of me! Lol

A flagged post doesn’t remove your trust level. And only certain sanctions will lose your trust level. Most posting had their posts falsely flagged and reinstated, so that won’t lose them their trust level either.

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i made 2 reports.
which were actually name reports, not post content reports.
if people think they’re hilarious naming their characters after traumatic assaults, you betcha i’m going to report them.

from 2 reports.
meanwhile, people are so dedicated to reporting posts, that they’ll use alts to do it… or they’ll boast about not being able to flag posts which aren’t even against the CoC… but sure, resort to mockery because i wasn’t able to flag a blatant advert in the new player forum. :roll_eyes:


It’s against TOC to harass someone. If someone feels harassed they should report.

If someone feels that the post is harassing someone else they should report it.

The point is “feeling” harassed or offended is subjective and ppl should flag posts if they feel attacked. Then blizz can decide what to do. I believe forum flagging system is working really well. Apart from the issue where it doesn’t tell you which post was flagged


Good job :blush:

Keep trying! Someone needs to keep us all safe :heart:

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this is a good point.

we can see the individuals who :blue_heart: a post, so why can’t we see those who flag it?

i’d be more than willing to have my name shown on anything which i’ve flagged.

if they want to use software which relies on community moderation, it makes sense that the community should be held accountable for their actions.

this is outlined in the CoC.

Obscene / Vulgar

This category includes both clear and masked language in posts


yeah i might have another go after my 13 hours of report prison is up.
i need to try and remain your hero, obviously.

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