Y'all are so quick to forget the actual gameplay changes coming in 9.1.5

I mean, isn’t it?

What’s the point of paying for a game that makes you dismal?

Why continue to play a game that you actively hate?

I know from many people, it’s because they’re attached to their characters, community, guildies, and stuff outside of the gameplay. It’s a social setting for a lot of players because it’s an MMO…

there’s so many different areas for character’s progression in an mmo that it’s hard to conclude people “hate” the game, just because they’re unhappy with the end-game content… If you pay attention to many of the threads, and complaints, it’s usually the end game coupled with the tedious participation metrics that is ruining it for players. People still love the game i think.

anyway, people have def left the game like you are implying they should…but those that remain are giving their feedback in hopes it will improve the gameplay (Since that’s what you were talking about in the OP…gameplay).

feedback is healthy for wow right now, even if it’s negative imo.

I don’t think anyone who argues with Blizzard’s development hates the game. Disfavor, maybe, but not hate. It’s completely fine to have criticism… especially when Development seems to not take player feedback during their Beta/Alpha testing. The period of the game cycle that Developers relay solely on player’s opinion on game design.

Sure, that’s totally valid, but if all you do is criticize the game day in and day out without acknowledging the good changes they do implement, maybe you just hate the game.

Yes, they should have this stuff at launch, and they didn’t, and that sucks. But at least they have it now, and that’s a good thing.

(BTW I’m not talking about you specifically, just the general you)

It definitely is, but saying stuff like “they should have done this at launch” or “fix class balance” and stuff like that isn’t constructive feedback.

Right cause

Could be the same for people who don’t like their state’s legislative or government’s policies.

If you criticized Trump or Biden or Senators, why are you in the US? Just move? Cause obviously hating on the individuals who people vote for office is good for the country.

9/10 of the time constructive feedback or criticism isn’t taken with a grain of salt for anyone who’s in a position above someone else.

It takes dire measures for feedback to be heard, and history gives plenty of examples.

Remember flying in WoD? People gave feedback that they shouldn’t take it out of the game.

Result? Lost millions of subs

What did Blizzard do? Implemented the meta achievement cycle. Which hasn’t been nearly as effective as end-game purchase of Flying.

You don’t see any false equivalence here? Obviously leaving a country in the real world is infinitely harder than unsubscribing from a video game. The two are just not comparable.

If you are unhappy with a product, stop paying for the product.

You’re right, they could have… if they were ready.

Like, I get this feeling that some people think that Blizzard has some of this stuff already done, and then they just slide it into a patch, open it up for testing and then release. But that’s really not the case at all, and given that it wasn’t ready, trying to include it all in 9.1 would have created even more anger at the patch delay.

Could you imagine if we were still playing 9.0 content right now because Blizzard wanted to include all of 9.1.5’s content in 9.1? There would be a riot.

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So wherever I see someone appreciating changes, that you decide are minor, I should substitute White Knighting? Is this where I turn it around and say Who are you to tell people what they should think about proposed changes?.

Attaching derogatory tags to people that disagree with you isn’t, IMHO, very productive.

For example:

Personally, WoW is the least expensive hobby that I enjoy on a regular basis. I have zero issues with any of the things you describe in the quote. It is the least expensive of pretty much all of the things I do for entertainment, which includes TV subscriptions, buying movies (heck a month of WoW is less than purchasing a single new movie and a lot less expensive than actually going to the movies.). I’m having fun so I disagree that they aren’t delivering value for my money, does that make me a White Knight or a, horrors, a Bad Person?

People are seldom going to agree on everything, especially something as subjective as enjoying a video game.

Because they could have done all the positive gameplay changes without doing a woke witchhunt of old game content.


Consider the following: you could just not be a baby about it

Did the changes actually effect you personally? On my part, I haven’t seen a single change that I would likely have even been aware of if I hadn’t been keeping up with the forums. Oh, I may eventually wondered why my Gnome wasn’t being spit upon by the horde when I PvP, but it wouldn’t have bothered me.

can you share these wonderful changes that people have been asking for, for ALL expansions…please?

because… yes… there is a SMALL change coming… Blizzard needs to do A LOT. really, A LOT of changes in this game to START getting a little better…

Sure can: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/ptr-915-development-notes/1082616

Most notably for me is changing the AOE cap, removing conduit energy, making it easier to covenant swap, and I’m looking forward to legion time walking and M+ and mage tower coming back

I mean, patch 9.1.5 only pertains to current content. Not sure what you’re looking for.

Gotta start somewhere my guy.

Really, just stop it. Stop telling people to quit the game, because they dare say something needs to be better or improve drastically.

Your feelings will be ok. Talk about someone being a baby.


How can they want something to change and then get upset when they introduce changes that many people asked for?

The game is changing, in a positive way. If all you’re gonna do is whine and complain because it’s not fast enough or whatever then I’m not sure what to tell you

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with telling someone to stop paying for a service if they’re unhappy with it. Especially when the changes that they’re unhappy with are superficial and they’re whinging about WoW going ‘woke’

(seriously, anyone who uses ‘woke’ as an insult is already sending up a ton of red flags, I’d rather not have those people around)

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Meh… Without new heritage armor, there is no reason to bother.

9.1.5 Looks like a worse patch than WoDs 6.1. Ya’know; the Selfie Patch? At least that patch added new things and didn’t strip the game of humour.

The only positive here is Legion Timewalking and Mage Tower. Everything else has been things people were asking Blizzard to fix from BETA over a year ago. Pull the Ripcord, BETA feedback, bug reports; everything was there and they could’ve implemented the changes at any time.
Instead they’ve opted to be all “Look payer player, we’re fixing things. Please don’t leave. Look we removed some edgy jokes and change women to fruit. We’re changing.”

It’s nothing but their usual “Break glass in case of fire” tactics

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By OP’s logic the selfie patch was one of the best things they ever did

You’re comparing a .1 patch (aka a main content patch) to a .5 patch (a filler patch). If all of the humor in the games come from /fart, you must not be very funny my guy

Yeah, I get it. They implemented it now, what’s the problem?