Y'all are so quick to forget the actual gameplay changes coming in 9.1.5

How many .5 patches have actually added a new dungeon or raid or something?

None in recent memory for sure.

You’re not wrong - but

how is this not a recurring problem with Blizzard’s patch cycle? Table scraps every 6+ months… so they can include a new 6-month mount right after a patch drops so people take the carrot on a stick.

Most of the things being added in 9.1.5 could’ve been, should’ve been added in 9.1 - minus customization, legion timewalking, covenant swap restrictions.

  • Covenant System Overhaul:

    • Covenant swapping restrictions lifted

    • Covenant Cosmetic Unlocks no longer locked to members of that Covenant

    • Covenant Campaign skip for alts

    • Instant Renown Catch-Up up to Renown 40 for Alts

  • AoE Cap Removal

  • Conduit Energy Removal

  • New Character Customizations:

    • Nightborne

    • Lightforged Draenei

    • Void Elves

    • Highmountain Tauren

  • Legion Timewalking

    • Mythic+ Timewalking Dungeons

    • Return of the Mage Tower

  • Shadowlands Introduction Questline (Maw Intro) Skip

  • Anima Transfer for Alts

  • Island Expeditions Solo Queue

  • Legacy Raid Tuning

  • Alt Leveling Improvements - Threads of Fate, Torghast, Renown

  • Legendary Item Recycling and Drop Improvements

  • PvP Gear Power Adjustments

  • New Toys, Mounts, Travel Forms

Instead of waiting every 6 months for actual gameplay changes, they should go back to doing hotfixes. That’s what IMO is why there is no excitement for me about a +6 month carrot on the stick.

I agree, it was fun in MOP, great in WOD, close to great in Legion, and not horrible in BFA. This expansion however, it’s crap. I like the gearing system, but the pvp combat is terrible. I never understood the whole putting 99% of their resources into pve, when almost every game out there is focused on pvp. It’s almost like the world is trying to tell them something. I love me some WOW, but they really need to get a better grip on what players enjoy. We don’t buy COD and multiple battle passes for the story mode, we don’t buy Madden every year for the same stale franchise mode, we don’t play Need for Speed to drive around the city looking at buildings, and we don’t buy MMO’s strictly for the purpose of doing the same 8 dungeons 14 million times an expansion. The majority of gamers want to beat someone at whatever game it is, and Blizzard don’t seem to get that. They just wanna spoon feed us non-stop pve content that hasn’t been engaging in a long time. How hard would it be when they’re planning out multiple raids,dungeons, and whatever other pve content to make a couple bg’s, arenas, anything new to do? People can say Ion has only so much say but that’s total BS, it’s obvious by now that he is pushing the direction of this game and he’d don’t give 2 craps about pvp’ers.

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I mean this is hardly new, Blizzard has always treated the PvP part of the game as the red headed stepchild.

It’s been abnormally bad under Ion.

The improvements are largely removing something that should never have existed to begin with, we’ve done this song and dance for the last few expansions now.

Otherwise, same content, same ilvl caps, same shards of domination. Meanwhile the last few updates did nothing but censor completely inoffensive content.

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Where in the world did you get this from? I was questioning why people would be resentful toward any game company when they have the option to play something else. No game will ever satisfy everyeone, if the game you are playing isn’t satisfying, make your suggestions, if it doesn’t change, and you aren’t happy then why would you hang on anyway? That seems a bit masochistic.

Regardless, I could care less if random people I interact with on a game forum stay or go and have absolutely no power to make them do either. So I find your comment completely bafflling.

P.S. I would think that all the negativity on the forums woulbe be more off putting to people than my wondering why people would resent a gaming company.

Really? what are you talking about? They are all minor changes that really do not add any NEW content. PRETENDING to remove the AoE cap isn’t major. I mean what other change that actually matters in SL did they change? Cov swap? Are you kidding? Another pretend move.

Anyone who expected new content with a .5 was joking themselves from the start.

How is covenant swapping a pretend move? I can now play my character any way that I want and not be punished because I have done so. Removing conduit energy which is leery great. And I’m pretty hyped for the mage tower. I didn’t really get a chance to experience it back in Legion.

If you push everyone away who doesn’t white knight for the current status of the game you won’t have very many to play with.

Pretty simple. Most fans of things get vocal when their favorite pass time gets so royally screwed up. I gave them one more month for their efforts.

No blue responses, no real feedback from devs on most issues.

Covenant locks shouldn’t have existed to begin with, and everyone said this from the start.

A patch’s only features of note being to loosen rules everyone universally agreed should never have existed isn’t good enough.

Because the loops you have to jump back thru just to switch is a pretend move. Just like the aoe cap removal that reduces damage beyond five targets. It to me is just a lawyerish way of re-wording things to trick you guys.

Yeah. I get that. I still like the change, even if the timing is way off.

Yeah well mage tower just should have been left open instead of acting like it is current content. I mean at this point they might as well let us play in EXPANSION we want to and make all gear current. Instead of peddling backwards.

Once again I have no power to push anyone anywhere they don’t want to go. If White Knighting is simply still enjoying the game then yes, I’m guilty. But many here seem to think that if someone is still enjoying the game there is something wrong with that.

On the other hand, I think it is just as important to let people know there are those that are still having fun as it is for those that aren’t to articulate why. What amazes me is how quick people are to attack anyone that has something positive to say about the game. It seems to be that they have the attitude that anyone that isn’t unhappy with the game is wrong and shouldn’t even be posting.

Why even have new expansions or progression then? If everything is always current, why bother doing anything new?

It’s not really that they have forgotten about the game play changes, it’s just that man y on this forum would rather rip Blizzard to shreds over their perceived faults than give them one ounce of credit for the many things they do right.

Note that I am not implying that Blizzard is perfect or that WoW is perfect, they’re not.

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Hey Legion seems new to you… why bother doing it. I am sorry but we are in SL and using stuff from 2 expansions ago doesn’t get me excited. I love Legion more than most ppl you will meet so I am not trying to be negative just honest that we are kinda getting jipped on actual content.

Imagine if content had the option to scale. (Because I still like farming old raids for mogs.)

It does. It’s called time walking