XT 25 man HM needs to be nerfed

My BIS gear comes from this potential 2nd boss in the raid. The fight isn’t even hard it just requires ridiculous gear to beat the dps check. Not sure what’s up with the devs for this boss. The fact that no one has killed it even the top guilds says something. For an end boss, sure let it go, but a boss this early in the raid is just stupid.

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Agreed, but you’re not gonna find a lot of people on these forums that feel the same way: It's time to nerf 25-man XT-002 again

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This is what happens when people ask for pre-nerf fights…

They don’t realize/care that some fights were just badly tuned, or had pretty unfun mechanics that got reworked.


To be entirely fair, the version we got stuck with for XT-002 wasn’t in the game for a full day.

Yeah… Really wish that instead of initial tuning, we got the versions just prior to any “catch up” nerf.

Like, if when the next tier launched something ate a large nerf (like a blanket 30% health/damage nerf), don’t include those, but if something was adjusted mid-tier because it was a mess like XT/Vashj/Kael, put those changes into classic.

I don’t really care to do the most frustrating versions of fights just because.

They are probably going to nerf it once 1 guild in the world has killed it.

Thats why i always say artificial difficulty is not real difficulty. Overturned bosses do not mean a boss is hard. It means its not feasibly possible to do unless you skip it and get gear deeper in the raid.

Bad balance doesnt equal difficulty.

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We didn’t get true pre-nerf XT anyway. They already nerfed him from his on-release version before phase 2 rolled out, citing that his original incarnation was quite literally never killed.

Word is a Korean guild has killed it, but not sure. Logs for that are not public.

And we still don’t have that version.

Edit: Yes, I quoted you again, but it took me a bit to find the post about it.

Oh no, what will you do without that one piece of 245 gear?

I agree though. This isn’t like C’thun where I would have actually been interested to see if anyone could defeat what was deemed “mathematically impossible.” It’s one of the first bosses in the raid.

Tuning is absolutely part of difficulty. Bosses can also be overtuned without being impossible.

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HM isnt supposed to be done as 2nd boss lol…you clear the normal and do hardmodes…in theory. Some guild can do it, clearly yours cant.

“Oh man we didnt down this HARD MODE boss in the second week, blizz plz nerf”.

Typical forum sentiment.


I actually like that there is still a boss that hasn’t been killed yet.

It’s fun, prog isn’t over yet.


XT hard mode is harder than Yogg 0 or Algalon. Do you honestly think it’s supposed to be that way?

0 guilds have done XT hard mode.

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The fact that no one has killed the boss is a good thing.

It’s also likely that most of the top guilds aren’t bothering to send a stacked run for this boss specifically, because gearing the guild is more important than XT hard mode.

I’d wager he’s killable for the best, just not worth the time atm.

Then give it ilvl 260 gear as a reward. The final bosses of the raid award unique realm first titles and have been beaten by hundreds of guilds.

No one has defeated XT25 HM. If you’re going to make the 2nd HM in the dungeon harder to kill than the final bosses, give it appropriate rewards.

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Im sure youre right but i just meant in the flow of the raid you should not expect it to go like boss 1 > boss 2 > boss 2 HM > boss 3

It’s called Hard Mode for a reason.

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Do you actually think XT hard mode is supposed to be harder than the hard modes for the end bosses?