It's time to nerf 25-man XT-002 again

It was a fun experiment while it lasted but it seems this hard mode is still massively overtuned and unkillable in its current state. Even if it’s within reason that some guilds may eventually kill this boss with full Ulduar bis and degenerate class stacking, it won’t ever be killable by a highly-skilled, highly-geared raid with a normal composition.


Ukillable? in current Naxx gear along with very little Ulduar gear? That’s fine, wait til we’re further into the phase when people have more Ulduar gear and then this can be brought up, not everything is meant to be killed week one or even month one.


I agree with this.

It’s hard mode, it’s not supposed to be easy.


Yeah. Or even in P2. Some fights can’t be beat until P3 or P4.,
Hell Maybe we can’t kill XT HM until Cata, but is that really so bad? I swear you all want epics just mailed to your boxes. You don’t want to socialize and find groups. Go back to retail.


this is the worst take of all time

use me as a downvote button to this thread


I agree with the humble “like” farmer.
OP, your take is bad and you should feel bad.


Let’s get two things straight here real quick.

1.) OP has cleared most of the hard modes already so he definitely has credentials

2.) Retails first or second mythic raid bosses are on par with most the encounters you’ll find in classic. The loot you claim that gets delivered to your mailbox is garbage. The fact that it’s “purple” means nothing. Not to mention I’m already 4700GS on week 2 in classic.

Anyways, back to the OP…. I think it’s okay to leave a few of the HM for like 2-3 weeks from now when you have better gear and you’re overreacting. Personally, I wish the gears ilvl wasn’t boosted to keep HM semi challenging for longer as opposed to clearing everything week 1-2.

couldn’t care less about likes there’s just no method to downvote a thread so

also Chillinspree you’re missing the point for the reason they buffed ilvls. they did so to keep Ulduar relevant for longer as during the original release when the next phase came out everyone just ran that since it had the best loot. its to keep the loot and raid relevant

the OP here sounds like a child that wants to feel like they’re good at the game by doing everything and everything in it. since they can’t it left a bad taste in their mouth. it’s called progression my friends. ya know, a goal to strive towards?

edit: i mean for real this is week 2 of the phase and they already came to the forums crying that one of the only bosses they couldn’t clear on HM needs to be nerfed lmao


I’d be fine with it if your estimate was realistic, but you’re underestimating just how grossly overtuned it is at the moment. It’s all in the numbers, and they just don’t make sense right now.

what is the normal composition?
I can see 5~7warlocks pretty normal tbh, the same as you see 2~3warr 2~3ret in raid as normal, the difference is that I bring what will make me kill the boss in day one but you bring weakling classes and then cry about not being able to kill the HM boss’s forever.

same thing in whole wow history since 2005, people do not want to do the right things for progress yet they ask for nerfs, really L2p or quit, Ulduar HM currently is a joke anyway compared to 14years ago for 2x reasons 1st since the current gear is more stronger 2nd the class balance are with last patch which made certain classes too OP for this.

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I have no problem with raids that want to class stack – we’ve certainly had weeks where we ran a silly amount of locks+DKs in Naxx for fun. The problem is that XT’s current tuning is going to pretty much require degenerate class stacking AND full Ulduar gear, and will be unkillable outside of that. This isn’t a fight that requires tactics or strategy like some other hard modes, it just requires silly numbers.

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and your point is…? “blizz nerf this bc i think it’s stupid and i don’t like it” lol

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Well just don’t do hard mode lol damn Ulduar been out two weeks and you already want a nerf. I pray and hope that Blizzard doesn’t listen to any of ya who want to nerf a raid difficulty. All I can say is WoW and lol

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I see where OP is coming from. It’s strange that the first HM that is presented to use is actually one of the time gated ones. Logically, it does not make any sense as you usually put a first time encounter to be achievable.

The dev even acknowledge that it’s probably unkillable, they want to see if today’s players are able to kill it but it’s not looking good so far. I’d wait until people are geared until considering nerfing it.

Ladies and gentlemen of the court I present the exhibit A the degenerate:


I think its good he is unkillable as of now. Makes it more fun to look forward every week if some guild has killed it.

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The only problem I have with the current difficulty of HM XT-002 is that it’s only the 2nd unskippable boss in the instance, yet Yogg 1-light can be cleared with ease by comparison. I personally believe bosses should typically increase in difficulty from one to the next.


It’s not unkillable, but it’s a good example as to why pre-nerf was a poor choice of tuning. There were fights that were just badly tuned and the nerfs were put in because it didn’t make sense for what could be the second boss in the raid to be harder than most of the other hard modes tuning wise.

Mechanically the fight is easy, it just has way, way more health and damage than is reasonable, given that Algalon died before him.

And when top guilds aren’t able to kill a boss without gearing up, the gear isn’t generally going to help lesser guilds get over that hurdle. Unlike in the first time around, there’s not much left to optimize as far as gear/rotations/strategy are concerned.


It’s one of the first bosses. It’s harder than the final bosses of the dungeon, both of which award unique realm first titles.

It’s overtuned.