XT 25 man HM needs to be nerfed

I dunno, go kill Algalon before you worry about XT tbh.


How does this make any sense? Algalon is a secret hard mode only boss. He is supposed to be harder than an early hard mode. lmao…

So you agree XT should not be harder than the endboss hardmodes. Thank you.

2008 called, it wants its post back

Who said XT was supposed to be easier?

He’s not even that complicated, he’s just a giant gear check. Get more gear, IE go kill Algalon - and then worry about it.


We really doing this? I’m not going to argue with someone who can’t be honest about something so basic.

Nobody said he was.

“Go kill the secret hard mode only endboss then worry about this early hard mode that is an incredibly obvious outlier on the raid’s difficulty curve.” Imagine actually thinking this makes sense.


I don’t know why you think any of this makes sense.

Why is Thorim the easiest hard mode but he’s in the middle of the raid?

Why is Yogg 1 a giant meme compared to almost every other hard mode?

Why is Firefighter so much harder than Freya?

See how stupid your argument sounds when you actually think about it?

Not much of a secret when everyone knows about it

Honestly yes.

The very design of the boss is a robotic child throwing a tantrum. Its an amazing troll theme from the developers for the players to deal with because the child throwing a tantrum is harder than the final boss of the raid.


We’re playing an untested pre-nerf version of the raid. The HMs vary significantly in difficulty, but you can also do them in any order you choose. However, with the exception of XT, the hardest ones are Yogg0 and Algalon, the raid’s endbosses. It makes sense for the endbosses to be the hardest, and they would be if not for the obvious outlier.

Because it’s not even the hardest version? lol?

Yogg 1 is easier than Medium Difficulty Council.

It’s easier than 2 elder Freya.

Algalon is also not particularly hard, he’s just gated behind a bunch of other stuff and a 1 hour timer.

y is freya with 2 trees a giant meme compared to almost every other hard mode

y shouldn’t the 2nd hard mode in the raid be harder than the super scary final bosses

TLDR; Ulduar difficulty is inconsistent.

Your guild can’t kill all of the hard modes, so you want one made easier for you.

Git gud, nerd.

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You raided for 20 hours week one. And you still didn’t kill this boss, either. Touch grass, nerd.

We probably couldn’t kill him now, either. He’s cracked.

Yes, i would think the HMs should be progressively harder with Algalon being top cheese

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Optional hard mode boss is optional.

Lots of heroic Blood Furnace logic is this thread. Blood furnace doesn’t need to be easier than Shattered Halls just because it’s an earlier dungeon. Just because it’s easier with certain comps doesn’t mean it is impossible and should be nerfed so you can get your BIS earlier.

You can just not do Blood Furnace until your group is ready.

It probably will be nerfed in a few lockouts if it remains unkilled. It is overtuned considering it’s the 2nd HM available, it’s harder at this level of gear than Algalon, Yogg 0 or any other fight in Classic from 60 to 80.

It’s not an important boss beyond 1-2 pieces of gear.

You’re fine with your guild going back to do XT25 HM for the first time when you’re in ICC gear?

Heroic BF isn’t an earlier dungeon, it’s all max level content lol

It actually was impossible, not sure about now, but it’s still obvious his hp is higher than it should be.