Xrealms were the Atomic Bomb that destroyed the game. All the rest are details

No, they haven’t. CRBGs were added in vanilla.

Classic has grinds that make retail grinds look like a joke…

It’s obviously impossible to surpass an infinite grind, so no.

There’s also the matter of how important the grinds are; Classic’s big grinds are mostly pointless (especially as we get into AQ and Naxx gear), while in retail, gear and character power itself (arguably the most compelling form of grind) is infinite.

It absolutely destroyed the game. IDK if it was THE thing that destroyed the game, but it definitely destroyed old school pvp server identity. I can argue that to a point. If i were to give my opinion on what destroyed the game, it would be this, https ://wow.gamepedia.com/Patch_3.3.0

After a certain point, you gain hardly anything from the “infinite” grind. Nobody just grinds forever on modern WoW. Classic’s grinds are far more time-consuming. Nothing in modern WoW compares to R14 grind. And the gear from R14 is some of the best in the game.

Nobody? I’ve seen plenty of people doing unhealthy, unending grinding in modern WoW.

Again, nothing is more time consuming than infinite. It’s easier to have a discussion if you don’t try to negate obvious truths.

The R14 gear is good… for some classes… for a certain length of time. Even for those classes for whom some R14 pieces are BIS, in AQ40 and Naxx, they largely aren’t.

Obvious truths like: literally nobody grinds artifact power for 1 extra damage on the level that people grind for R14.

The weapons are as good as anything you can get before Kel’thuzad, for rogues.

… but I’ve seen people in Retail grind like that. Exaggerations and hyperbole just open you up for correction. Pointless. By the way, even if very few people do a grind, that grind still exists within the game. Saying “a very small percentage of players complete the R14 grind” does not mean the R14 grind doesn’t exist or that it is somehow a more reasonable thing.

“Before Kelthuzad, for rogues.” So you’re just admitting my point here, or what? The R14 grind is only worthwhile for a select few classes (generally the physical weapon users), and even then, it’s negated in AQ40 and Naxx. As I said.

Xrealm bgs? Lolno. Blizzards refusal to police botting is far worse. You have forgotten all the massive dowsides of single server bgs and if you want that… well go wpvp

Of course a trash player from mankrik would think this. Why is every premade on your server so bad? The grind isn’t near as toxic when you’re skilled lol.

Uh… duh? Nobody said otherwise? It’s an utterly ridiculous grind that must be completed to get the rewards, whereas you get 99.99% of the gain without an “infinite” grind on modern WoW, which is why NOBODY grinds artifact power non-stop.

I argued from my perspective as a rogue, because I don’t know about other classes. How is it a pointless grind when the rewards are the best weapons until you get a drop off the LAST BOSS? These weapons will have been the best in the game for many, many months by the time people have better available from Kel’thuzad.

I’m confused, why would you think the game would be difficult? The game was designed to meet the expectations of back pedaling, 300MS, agility stacking mages. Not a min/max full world buffed thunderfury warrior who is playing pixel perfect. It’s like you order vanilla ice cream and that complain about the lack of flavor.

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Its satirical. Prior to Classic release people were ranting and raving about how this is gonna be so difficult compared to retail. I had no delusion this would be a difficult game, I knew it would be easy. I’ve always been a proponent of tuning things up so that the content would atleast be engaging or to atleast give the feeling of progression.

It being a 15 year old game, us having better equipment is no excuse. We are not the only ones who have knowledge of what the metas had a chance of being, that being world buffs. Content being this easy was not the experience that players experienced in vanilla so long ago. They could have artificially created that experience by atleast giving the content some tuning so that instead of raid logging after a 1-2 hour raid you’d be wiping more often. Contrary to some opinions, progression even on content as old as this one is far more satisfying than one shotting everything within a month. If its easy, it aint worth it.

ETA - What I mean by us not being the only ones having knowledge of what the metas could have been, I’m saying Blizzard had to atleast have some idea of what potentially the metas could have been.

A few people sure, but not the community at large, and surely no one I know who actually played back then.

You and most everyone else.

I’m not playing Classic for the challenge. I’m playing it for the fun and enjoyment I get from this type of game. Just like most of us are.

I felt CRZ, and later LFG/LFR were the beginning of the end for me. So going back to a time before that is what I want in a game.

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Sure, I get that. Believe it or not though wiping on Ragnaros 50 times and then finally downing him and hearing your team scream excitedly on discord is by far more fun than killing him as quickly as we are killing bosses in Classic. Classics leveling is great, just about everything else about it is pretty lacking.

I think you misunderstood what the purpose of the classic launch was meant to be. No changes, the true classic experience. The only adjustments Blizzard has done to the game have been top priority/absolutely vital for the games survival in 2019/2020. Everything else is straight from existing patches in the games history. No class changes and no raid changes, we all knew this.

I do not misunderstand the purpose of classic. I can accept the situation for what it is and yet think that the situation could have been much better at the sametime. #nochanges died last August. There is no telling whether the current status quo of what Blizzard has done to the game will mean it survives until after phase 6 and Naxx is out for a bit. #nochanges could very well end up being why the game has less than a 2 year life span. Its not even 1 year old yet and we’re within 6 months of Naxx release.

#nochanges had a good premise, although it ends up being that the game because of nochanges kinda sucks after you level your first max level toon.

I’d probably reverse the two. Leveling through Azeroth is fine the first time, but after that it can be hard to keep motivated. I don’t know how people with multiple 60s do it without boosting.

As far as endgame, I’m a casual, so I’m enjoying raiding in Classic. I actually like that it doesn’t have the twitch mechanics like you see in retail raids. I’m playing for fun, not parses, after all.

You don’t have to play for parses to enjoy a mechanically challenging boss. My first time in MC we didnt wipe once and got to majordomo before raid time was up. #fun

/sarcasm off

Completely killed the anticipation for raiding in this game that I had leading up to the future raids.

I was talking about classic, not vanilla.

Classic and TBC are safe… once WOTLK drops it’s over.