Xrealms were the Atomic Bomb that destroyed the game. All the rest are details

Basically what the title says. The most destructive thing was xrealms.


The most destructive thing is the game being braindead easy

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They added cross realm to classic?!

If that was the case, explain Fortnite’s success.

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You win every round of fortnite you play?

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No, I’m being a Prophet, warning about it.

Is there some concern that they’ll add it? I was thinking about starting Classic again, so don’t really know the state of the game. Are server pops dwindling?

I’m seeing patterns. People were whining about premades, and long queues, then the “glorious” xrealms solution was enforced. I’m smelling something bad in the immediate future so I’m reminding you and everyone what really destroyed the game, so you’re ready.
Doesn’t mean that other things weren’t bad.
But that was the A-bomb.

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You do realize cross realm BG’s have been a thing since day 1 right?

Yes and it sucks, and I’m warning about the expansion of that situation.

How could it possibly expand? There’s no CRZ or dungeon finder. Seems like you’re just trolling

The modern, toxic social-media idiocracy is what ultimately made online games in general a lot less fun to play. It’s a culture that breeds malevolence, apathy, divisiveness, dehumanization, etc.


I’m not, They started off the BG with the worst idea, xrealms, an idea that ruined the game. We should be ready for them expanding it.

I think xrealm is fine, conceptually. I think the issue is that you aren’t really able to fully play with people on other realms: no guilds, no trading items, gold, etc. Any limitation between the character interactions makes it feel artificial and broken. On retail, there is no “realm economy” anymore, so preventing trading for that reason is invalid. Realm economy was destroyed when they added the wow-token, which has the same gold/$ on all realms.

No we shouldn’t. Cross realm BG’s actually existed in vanilla wow. Dungeon finder came in last patch of wrath, and CRZ came with WoD.

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WTH are you talking about?
Xrealm DID NOT exist in vanilla. It was introduced much later, right after they ruined the original honor system.

Battlegroups were introduced in Patch 1.12.

https ://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_1.12_(Release_Notes)

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Sounds like someone is unfamiliar with 1.12 patch notes. Cross realm BG’s were introduced in patch 1.12 which was vanilla wow.

2.0.1 was the BC pre-patch. I only point this out because I know your next argument will be that 1.12 was the pre-patch.

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I’m too bored to read links. I started playing in 2005. No xrealms.
Whiners made Blizz destroy the original honor system.
And then xrealms was introduced.
That as the A-bomb that destroyed the game.

As someone who did BGs before battle groups were a thing, I can attest to how bad it was. The queue for AV as an alliance character was absurdly long. Hours sometimes. This was when you had to travel to the BG entrance to queue.