XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

You can’t cherry pick something to fit your narrative. Some people like playing older content and playing in certain brackets, and this is all available content even if it’s not max level.

The reason you and others dislike twinks is because of the gear disparity. That’s understandable, but it’s no different than a fresh 120 being smashed by mythic players wanting to hop in some bgs and stomp the weaklings. This is a problem that is evident throughout the entire game, in every single bracket, and it’s a result of changing from the Legion templates.

I honestly loved the Legion templates and wished they were back. I’m also fine with separate twink queues itself, but the long queue times are what sucks. There has to be a better way to address ROFLstomping than separation… Compromise…

okay but why though

The quality of the game is stopping me.

Wait, not having or wanting to do the gear treadmill is a bad thing?

Play with your twink friends in the xp off queues. Organise, grp up, join a twink guild. Oh you don’t want to because it’s easier to kill the lowbies?

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I like this reply. Someone positive and finding fun for him/her and his grp of friends. No moaning, and not caring about the leveling population, willing to fight on a relatively balanced playing field.

Just make an Allied race and farm HKs the old fashioned way.
This would be a perfect time to drop a new HK achievement on us.

Uh yea but they never answered the question about what people do in off times. Yes, during prime time might be a bunch of people on, and in that one bracket… not everyone is able to play those times though.

Sounds great Kang!

We keep our new Trade secrets well hidden. :wink:

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Twinks go on about 120 people chasing gear to be the best, and that’s what turns them off from 120. You dont need to do it, you can have the most balanced bgs in the game twink against twink right? That sounds like heaven to me.

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But not if you don’t log on at prime time when others are on. During my time (non prime time) I didn’t run into much twinks so it would be safe to assume those twinks don’t have people to organize with…

When queues pop on the three characters above 29, I will let you know.
Not even an estimated time.

My Hope for the 119 bracket is that enough people will join the community to make the bracket as a whole, self sustaining, meaning for the most part there will potentially be enough players on to have atleast 1, 10 man battleground running at any given time.

I would like to see more players try the 119 bracket with xpoff after getting an ilvl of 290 or better. It’s not hard, get your azerite pieces from the regular dungeons and the rest of your gear from tw dungeons or quests. I have almost every class at 119 now because I enjoy it so much. It feels more balanced than 120 and more impactful than the lower brackets. It’s in that sweet spot for battlegrounds. So good.

Its gonna take time to get where it needs to be. If players dont give up and keep contributing to the growth of the community by participating, it will happen. 119 could possibly become the new go to for higher lvl battleground PvP.

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There’s a lot more to the xp off bracket than the 119 community. I get it, you guys have a bunch and 19’s and 29’s do… but there’s a bunch of brackets in between and many hours in the day you cannot be on to organize all these queues in a bunch of brackets.

Alright then. cool. So back to just taking the flag, going to graveyard, camping it for 25 minutes, and quit at the last second. Would like to help people win the battleground, but you will not let me do that anymore unfortunately.

My focus is on the 119 bracket. It sounds selfish but I do not enjoy the other brackets as much as I do 119 which is why I am promoting it so heavily. I truly feel it is the most fun bracket for battleground PvP.

There is a community that started up yesterday evening for the 119 twinks on both sides. Reasoning behind this was to allow the community members to collaborate queues. If one side has more active members on then they can merc to allow better queue times or more matches. It’s the beginning to something truly great. There is so much potential for the xpoff players. We just have to make it work. I have faith in the xpoff community as a whole. I hope more join the 119 community but if not I still want them to have fun.

And that’s fine. The problem is, others have their own favorite brackets but here you are making it sound like the separation is fine because 119 is popular. Or maybe someone likes to twink but can’t log on till after your 60 people are in bed.

The xpoff community is vast. The lower levels most likely have a much larger player base due to minimal leveling requirements. The active members in the lower brackets should do the same and get a joint community together to make it work. It’s a definite possibility. Communication is key.

I’m talking 60/70/80/90/100 Yea the 19’s 29’s 39’s… if anything 119s is easier to get to because the boost to 110