XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

This was incentive.

It’s a recruitment process for lower activity brackets. It’s all about getting the player base excited and interested in participating. I am Not promising a,“if you build it they will come” type of deal. I am being hopeful that players will enjoy the part of the game that I do and want to participate regularly making that aspect of the game viable. It’s all any of us can do. If someone truly feels a particular bracket is ideal, sell it, see if there are any takers and hope its works out for the best in the end.

Now imagine levelers were told this. Get players together and “hope” you can get BGs to level through

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A levelers goal is to level. They can sit in 40 minute bg queues while questing and doing dungeons.

A twinks aim is to enjoy the point in the game that they decided to turn xpoff at. The responsibility falls on the player at this point. Blizzard has set the ground rules and given us the tools. Now we have to try and make it work. It’s the part of the game that we want to play. It was the players choice to stop where they stopped. It’s the players choice to not be apart of end game. It’s the players chance to establish how they want to play the game.

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Right? And this is who we are catering to /sad days

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Lol, the GMs had no idea. Why can’t they document changes better than this? This isn’t a new problem…

Hey there,

Tech Specialist Lorrothir at your service :slight_smile: I’d be happy to help go over the BG queue mechanics.

Basically, when a player joins queue it should normally default to how long they’ve been in queue with nothing else. After the game pings the servers for an estimated wait time it should update the display to include that. Though if there are not enough players available it may be a long wait time or have wait time unavailable. This in itself would be normal game behavior.

That said, if you feel there is any error in the system please use the in-game bug reporting feature. Customer Support and Technical Support are unable to directly resolve game bugs. Those issues need to be reported to our Quality Assurance team via the in-game tool or bug forums. From there, no response will be provided but they will instead enter the game bug into their internal tracking and resolve it through a patch to the game.

I do sincerely hope this information helps. If there’s anything else you might need just let us know.

Clearly it isn’t if you’re running around in the 119 bracket…

Its not the raiders who do most of the whining , its the free to play an the casual players