XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

Correct, that is why half of the toons on my account are twinks from 19-70.

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I hope the 119 twinks can get this to work. I have seen the amount of players on in the twink communities and there are enough to pull it off. The 119 bracket is amazing and by far the most fun in my opinion. I hope, HOPE it stays strong.

Unsubbed after 10+ years, this was the last remaining fun thing in the game.

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The problem still remains that you will be lucky to get 10 on at a time from both sides that’s willing to do it. Much less 20 or 30 or 40. so that means 1 by going at a time and sitting in a raid group or party and not being able to do anything else while waiting endlessly for a que to pop. I am not leveling any of my 20 twinks in Hope’s that they revert this but I will not be leveling anymore for that purpose. What I will be doing is making level 20 toons with all of my new races in op specs and chanting all their heirlooms and punishing all the crybabies that caused this with OP classes and specs.

The 119 bracket went from barely 20 twinks on either side to over 60 (from what I have witnessed) in a few short months. That was without any real advertising. The 119 twink population is probably closer to 100 but I am sure most use it as a casual pass time.

All I am saying is, the more people available in general the higher the odds will be to have people to queue with. Leveling is super fast already. It wouldnt hurt to check it out.

Ask anyone that has played 119 recently. Its a great level to be at for higher level battleground pvp.

How about people who play odd hours when those 60 are not on?

The more the merrier. Its obviously not going to happen overnight but eventually which ever bracket the masses of the xpoff community decide to migrate to will have enough members to self sustain. If It happens on both factions :open_mouth:. Could be a whole new experience for the community.

My enjoyment is PvP’ing, which requires gear.

That didn’t answer my question.

The good news is Horde 119’s can merc to help fill games.

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Comon the qeueus are dead now, reverse it! (on both sides)

I’m not gonna lie. I felt like the air was let outta my tires when I queued for bg last night & didn’t get in after 3 hours. I’ve played since BC; that’s 14 years of wow love.

I remember my first bg as a lvl 10 rogue. I got smashed to oblivion by hunters. I thought hell, I’m never doing that again. But I liked playing against another player. It was unpredictable (not like fighting a boss that goes through known phases that you’re waiting for) & made me a better player as a result.

I can’t say I’ve been thrilled about an expansion since WotLK, but there were always the bgs that kept me playing. I quit for a year when WoD came out. The excitement faded. Couldn’t twink, couldn’t multibox in bgs. I don’t care for raiding & despise questing. Even if you hated multiboxers in bgs, you had to admit it was cool to watch. A 10 or more man boxer defending Drek was so much fun to watch. Whether you thought twinking or boxing was fair, it was entertaining for everyone. They were special; something you didn’t see in every bg.

I caved in & bought legion a few months ago when I heard from an old wow pal that twinking was a thing again. I decided to make a twink since I really don’t want to buy the latest expansion & level to 120. Can’t say there’s anything new that interests me.

My lil twink was my pride & joy; my reason for getting up in the morning, the only reason & renewed my subscription last week, my reason for buying tokens to sell on the ah. Now… I dunno what to do man. Maybe I’ll get a dog. Maybe take my girl out for dinner. thinking about renovating my attic…

Call me if ya change your mind on this topic Blizz. I’ll come back. I want to love you.

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it was intentional… bliz isnt going to reply on the forums, they replied on Twitter… because… we all have that…

Theres a 119 twink community that has both horde and alliance players. Best bet to ensure 119 stays great is to be a part of that community. The link is floating around.

I agree 100%. This toon, my ex-main no longer plays bfa, nor has for awhile. My 29 twink is so much fun, expensive as heck, tbh, but such a giggle. Remove that fun and WoW loses the last ‘fun’ for me, which puts me in a rather bland player position…Blizz?? Say something please.

Come join the 119 community. If you dont mind making the trip I think you will like what you see when you get there. Very active Horde and Alliance player base. The community is still growing even after the separation announcement. People are running those tw dungeons and gearing to get a piece of the greatness that is 119 pvp.

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They should have nerfed enchants and gems or scaled leveling toons’ stats, instead. I’m all for those options.

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or how about playing the game without seeking BiS? shocking right?

they wont waste resources on the old system looks like the decision seems to be taken on the easy and short path which is disabling queues all together than actually worrying about balance on low level brackets.

Don’t people at max level seek BiS? Isn’t this overall a gear-based game? There’s a big gear disparity between a fresh 120 and a 120 who does mythics, too.

I don’t think it’s wasting resources to compromise. Excluding certain players who enjoy a specific bracket is lazy, simply turning an “off” button instead of fixing the issue.

The problem with these topics is people spew vicious vitriol instead of seeking a compromise that includes all playstyles without sacrificing fun.

leave current content out of this, if you gonna bring current content as “counter logic” it’s easily destroyed by the simple fact that this game is only balanced by CURRENT content not by twinks.

dont turn off xp and you have nothing to worry about, don’t seek out to ultimate outgear everyone in a game for the sake of making others feel bad and miserable for your own joy and you will be fine.

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