XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

With the new patch has XPOFF and XPON been separated for BGs… lots of people can’t que… would like to know if intentional or not for subscription purposes.


As of now, there is no official word on it.

Being as it’s patch day and that’s quite a significant change to leave out, it’s more likely to be a bug.


Considering that queue time for some brackets are 20+ mins atm, I hope it’s an unintended change.


ques are gonna get worse now if it does XD

If it’s not a bug there is literally no reason for me to play anymore. I love my hunter, but without PvP there will be nothing fun to do on her anymore.


I can’t believe this T_T


Nothing stopping you from playing at max level.


Blizzard ruined healing for me at max level. I have no interest in playing max level now.


That’s how I feel about tanking. It’s still fun in a BG, but I no longer tank instances unless I need them to level.

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The forums aren’t active, but this is a great question to input as an in-game ticket: “Is this a bug?” Let them go back, look it up, and give you a direct answer.

We can only assume it isn’t intentional since we read the patch notes and its not listed, right? /s

Not listing a change in the patch notes invites in-game tickets—so please, get your answers.

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Do you mean you literally can’t queue, i.e. the button is grayed out, or do you mean you can queue but the BG isn’t popping?

I was wondering why I was having so many enjoyable close games while leveling tonight haha.

Likely a bug, but it was great while it lasted.


Blizzard, the only thing keeping me engaged in your game anymore is low level pvp. All of my friends no longer play, so the xpoff community is all I have to play with, and without low level pvp, my interest in this game is gone. I am a big spender in wow and hearthstone, and my wallet will speak for me in this case. I hope this is just a bug, and not you guys trying to split up twinks from the usual crowd again.

We would all appreciate a blue post on this undocumented change/ bug. You have a large community of people waiting for your confirmation.

Thank you,



Description As of the 8.1.5 patch characters with XP turned off can no longer get into battlegrounds, and the estimated wait time simply shows as blank. Prior to the patch there were not separated XP-off and XP-on queues, though I know Blizzard has used this in the past. No changes to this system are listed in the patch notes so I assume this is a bug. Could you please confirm if this is a technical issue or intended behavior? Thank you

Estimated response time:24 hours

Ticket IDUS66926849


Absolutely in the same boat and wish for the same thing my only interest in WoW is my twink been playing him at the same lvl for 6 years and I can’t stand max level. And making twink seperate from non twinks is so dumb we earned the gear rightfully, we spent the gold to get the overpriced enchants…we put the time in building our set to be in a bg. Being in a que for more than 2 hours and not even having an estimated time is just unacceptable. Please fix.


It’s called unbalanced trash pvp at max level, some pvp brackets are as balanced as it gets. Also, I don’t want to farm a set of gear every season, I’d rather farm it once, and enjoy pvping til the next expansion.


Yeah, actually there is. Max level is a dumpster fire for some of us. There’s a reason we’re down here twinking. It’s not because we find the end game of this expansion amazing, shiny and special. We (Read : I ) hate it, I can’t stand it. It’s pointless, another time sink, another raid to run. No. Pass.


So you want to play a MOBA or a fighting game?

And pvp before max level isn’t balanced. At all.

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Omg the replies to this are HILARIOUS. People actually saying they can’t PVP at max level because it’s unbalanced. That’s why they twink.

…because twinking is balanced.



Actually most of us can’t be bothered to level to 120 because 120 content is a clown fiesta.