XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

Except when it came to twinking. That’s why I stayed so long in the 29 bracket on my hunter before I accidentally leveled. I could just focus on playing the game instead of a gear grind.

Wrong… The gear cycle has never been as rapid as it is now.

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Catch-up mechanics also haven’t been as generous as they are now.

Frostfingers wasn’t the one who said that. Your quote makes it look like it. Mauden’s point was that continuously getting/upgrading gear in this game has been a basis since the game started, regardless of how fast/slow it is at any given time.

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Well of course it has, but the speed of the cycle is the important part.
If we said that the gear you gain this week is replaced next week, what’s the incentive to get it this week. Vs if the cycle lasts a 8months.

It depends on who you ask. There are always going to be those who HAVE to have the best of the best and have it N A O!

Or, in my case, the group of people who’d rather just do it once and be done with it.

Lol these are the guys farming newbies and levelers at the gy talking about dumpster fires

For me, that only applies to a few things: getting married, buying a house and playing joining the Coney Island Polar Bear Club.

So whats the deal? Time for me to cancel sub again or is it a bug?

Don’t know yet… devs state they didn’t even realize there was a difference.

It’s official.

It is now official… xpoff is separate from xpon… devs confirmed via twitter.

Unsubbed. Time for more Apex Legends.

Wrong, stat templates have been gone for quite some time… but just now separate bg queues.

…You realize that’s the devs that said that, TODAY, right?

Yeah I decided to cancel anyway until further notice which I now see it was intended. Oh well was fun few the 2 months I’ve been back lol…

Maybe classic will be better.

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The point I’m making, is that the Devs are pretending this was a planned change ever since stat templates were removed.

We know this is absolute BS, because the templates have been disabled for a LOOOONG time, but only since 8.1.5 are the queues separate.

Dev’s are pulling the wool over.

They really don’t think about low level BGs much. I’m pretty sure they just forgot about it.

Come to think of it, I doubt they think about BGs much at all. Especially considering there’s nearly no blues that ever show up here.

Clearly you haven’t played the game lately, a level 119 questing, gets 281-298 greens and blues, has an average of 55-70k health based on armor spec.

A level 111-113, has 208-225 greens and blues, and an average of 25-40k health based on their armor class spec.

a 119 that’s not a twink, not enchanted, no gemmed, just a normal destro lock lets say, throws a Chaos Bolt at the 112, who just wanted to join a bg and level. Finds out the 119’s immolate hit him for 1k, conflag hit him for 3k , and Chaos bolt hit him for 11k, and hes now at half health in less than 4 seconds. Dies shortly after when that 2nd Chaos Bolt comes rocketing towards him, are you going to scream unbalanced? Because he doesn’t have the level or gear to help him survive that, or the skill to prevent it from happening?

Majority of Twinks at 119 have timewalking gear, questing blues before the buff to quest rewards could forge up to 305… you can hit 296 item level from questing easily already. People leveling, that haven’t played legion are coming in these bgs with 180-200 item level lolol. NON twinks have almost 100 item level advantage over these people, OFC they’re going to look like twinks. Twinks are so rare, and even less have the Anniversary gear, you sound like an idiot when you say 119 pvp isn’t the most balanced pvp in the game, when everyone is around 300 item level, you have all the talents of a 120, but no 12 azerites traits, no op raid trinkets, yes it’s the most balanced PVP, don’t even think about saying anything else on it, because you haven’t even tried it.

Nothing was stopping you from twinking.

If you give me a reason, I’ll give you even more regarding endgame