XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

That’s actually funny. :rofl: the blinders on some twinks lol

It was hilarious that it actually worked. It was even funnier that some of the exact same twinks kept doing it in other games.

I love it when a forum alt who doesn’t play the game posts claiming that people who clearly have put many times as much work in as they have are “lazy”.

Who’s got blinders on? You. The problem in that anecdote and all the other anecdote is not “twinks” or “a twink”. The problem is premades.

All these horror stories blame “a twink” but describe a premade in action.

Premades are an issue, I agree with you. But those I mentioned in my anecdote were not premades. They were onesies.

Hey hey hey. I solo queue on my twinks for the most part. I accept that a twinked character is something special and should be handled with care. I know that one twink can make the difference. No one is denying that twink premades are wompy and most of the time one sided. But you cant say that most twinks dont have tunnel vision.
, they see a target and they wont deviate until it’s dead or goes stealth. I have witnessed it many times, especially in gy camping scenarios. If one person breaks free from the gy, the whole team chases the single person down. It is one of the silliest things I have witnessed in WoW battlegrounds.

Every low level bracket I have played in has been 1000x more unbalanced than max level. I’m not sure if you can use that as an argument unless you are comfortable with looking like a complete idiot.

It’s unbalanced because of the level range of the gear on the chars. For a short time blizz implemented scaling of the gear’s ilvl, too. That was decent, it even brought back some legendary weapons into the mix, because they scaled as well. It was extremely fun playing detective and figuring out what legendary’s / procable/useable items were really strong when scaled up.
Of course, the “Fun-Detector Alarm” sounded, and blizz killed that.

It seems like blizz simple doesn’t want any strong reward directly attached to effort/time played / investigating and experimenting done. The want players to play exactly how blizz wants them to play.

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Lol I’m calling out the scumbags who are trying to defend twinking while there’s 0 chance of survival with a fury warrior, and a mm hunter, and a boomy on you who hit for 75% of your health pool.

Wth should you have a chance of survival when 3 of the top dps roles are all targeting you?

Also, even if you aren’t twinking… it’s always been a bad idea to join random bg’s with crap gear. The thing is, most levelers doing bgs have crap gear and don’t even know their class/spec very well. They get steam rolled, for sure. But that’s always been the case… even before twinks.

Players just want to be good because they try. That’s not how life works. You aren’t good at something just because you show up and participate. You learn from what those around you who are successful are doing. Instead, all you kids cry that you don’t want to spend the time to do the things that make you successful and demand to be separated from those that do.

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Well they aren’t losing a lot of people in your community if you can’t get enough together for a queue to pop at all.

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Well the community exists of 11 different brackets, you know. Even xp on can’t get a BG queue pop


I agree, premades, although fun, are too much. Twinking or not. If you want premade content… do Rated bgs.

I know my twink community would probably not all agree, but I would easily surrender premades if it meant we could actually get queues again.

Been twinking since vanilla, I welcome the change. Most fun I’ve had over years were heirloom throw aways in MOP pvping to max lvl before deleting and starting over =P.

Why not pvp at max level? If you aren’t lazy the gear treadmill shouldn’t be an issue.


Because the end-game grind is boring AF, not because it’s hard (cause it’s not).
It’s mind-numbingly repetitive. PVE literally puts me to sleep.
And by the time you actually do get geared out, season changes and it’s irrelevant again.
End-game pvp forces you to replace all of your gear every season. There is no sense of ownership or value in gear, it’s just stats… that’s it. Stats that you have to replace each season. By doing the EXACT same thing you did last season.

So you want to be lazy.


Yes. I do. To hell with wasting my time and energy on a gear grind when I’d rather just play a BG because I want to do the BG. I don’t like having to rinse and recycle my gear every few months. Once an expansion is more than enough for me.


Because I generally PvP across 6-7 different classes. I like to change it up. Twinking allows me to do this easily, as opposed to trying to gear out 6-7 different 120s. Suddenly that gear treadmill gets a lot more intimidating.

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Templates were introduced as a way to do exactly that.

If you don’t want to bother with one of the core aspects of an RPG perhaps an FPS or MOBA would be better suited for your playstyle?


I say this with no malice intended, but it honestly sounds like this just isn’t the game for you.

Gear treadmill has been a thing at endgame since vanilla, and it’s never going away.


Not always. WOD/mop once u capped conquest/honor u were done they need that system back

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You sound like an idiot right now.

I grind minor enhancements more than endgame players grind major upgrades.
There is no laziness here.

Like I said, the endgame process is just boring and futile.