XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

This is true, I was. Then I started leveling toons.

So you do have a dog in this fight.

Says the honor level 1 player crying about twinks for half a year now :joy:

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My glass house is constructed of impact resistant glass. We throw stones to try ricochet them at each other. The most dangerous stone is the one you didn’t see coming :scream:

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No, all of my toons are max level. I dont have any toons for low level bgs now. How are you confused by this?

Well, you’re clearly emotionally attached to this discussion. So there’s that.


Oh my bad, you did have a fight in this. You got 1 shot so want to rating bash twinks.

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When I was a younger teenager back in the 90s, a bunch of us played a game where we threw tennis balls at each other in the dark. The guy who lived in that house got hit in the eye. The game was over at that point :frowning:

Some people are just upset about this and resort to trolling. Please don’t antagonize it further.

I mean… That’s why I’m here, though

Here to show support in hopes bliz changes this back. Xpoff is as close to classic and some of the most fun competitive play in game. The fact that there are now two different bg queueus will only make queues impossible for most levels but also make the non xpoff people never really experience competitive pvp until max.

I unsubscribed 4 accounts today because this change. I suggest you all do the same to help show how many of us actually only play for this specific reason.



Lol I’m calling out the scumbags who are trying to defend twinking while there’s 0 chance of survival with a fury warrior, a mm hunter, and a boomy on you who hit for 75% of your health pool.

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OP classes/specs, that’s not gonna change

Isn’t classic coming out this summer?

That’s a completely different game so what’s your point?

see, now you’re trying to turn the argument to class balance. That’s not the issue at all. The issue is stat balancing and normalization.

You say you don’t play to stomp lowbies. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t queue at all if templates were reintroduced.

Bad players need crutches.

I don’t even twink. I have exp on.

When the person starts backpedaling and moving the goalposts, the conversation is over.

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Wait till summer gets here and play classic? Since so many people want it back so bad; why try and make live mirror a dinosaur that is already in the works to come back?

You have added nothing to this topic in the last half a year.

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I cannot wait to play classic. I’m very much excited for it. As far as this topic is concerned, there are solutions in it for both. You want to twink, regardless of why you do it? Make one. Don’t like twinks? Classic made it easier than ever to mess with them. Example (and I know this is immature) but I used to go in as a 20 Shaman. At that point, no mounts but I had just got Ghost Wolf form. I’d run around the perimeter of the BG. Twinks would see a x0 character and stick to them like flies to :poop:. With the 3 twinks on the opposite team chasing me for the entire duration of the BG spamming /spit, it freed my team up to cap and win.