XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

It’s not much effort to maintain enough gear to do random BGs at 120 either.

Yep, I agree. Gearing is easy this xpac

If it stays this way, they’ll lose my subscription. Been here for 9 years…

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just enjoy gearing and playing against other geared twinks

that’s exactly what separate queues do. you’re welcome

No, it’s not… that’s what wargames are for.

All this separation accomplishes is for anyone with locked exp (for any reason)
to wait hours to get a single bg.

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Queues for xp on were bad last night as well. 2 1 hour queues, that’s why I think it’s bugged.

We had 30 min rbg queues last night. Probably bugged, but I’m really enjoying the snowflake tears here, so hopefully it’s permanent.

You have tears about getting 1 shot. Stop


All of my toons are 120’s. I don’t even have a dog in this fight.

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Come on, don’t act like them. Be the bigger man. There really is no reason to be hostile. If it turns out that it was a mistake, you’ll end up looking just as silly as them.



I have 120s and I made a statement about the daily posts from levelers here. What are you not understanding? Does my post history include anything about me getting stomped by twinks?


Every low level bracket I have played in has been 1000x more unbalanced than max level. I’m not sure if you can use that as an argument unless you are comfortable with looking like a complete idiot.

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So you don’t actually play low level BGs, yet claim there are 1 shots.

To be fair, you’ve been defending twinks long before you stepped foot into low level BGs.

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I leveled all my toons through bgs. Twinks are obnoxious, and they tear through most levelers like butter. The beginning of low level matches are literally going through battlegroundenemies and looking for the toons with health pools 3x higher than the rest of the players. It’s an unnecessary crutch. Git Gud



Sorry, I meant Juga. He basically did what he’s blasting you for doing.

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oh, ok lol. I was confused for a sec there

It’s people living in glass houses and insisting on throwing stones. :frowning:

I dont know if you guys know this or not… But when a twink kills you in a Battleground you will not die in real life…

Stop crying, good lord