XPOFF XPON Separate new patch?

So is low level pvp. lolmoonkins, lolarcanemages, lolmarksmanshiphunters.

Only difference is you can be lazy at low levels and not do the gear treadmill.

All I read was “I want the game be even easier. so hard. much efforts. I want nuke players in their heirlooms”

Enjoy your twinks-only queues!

Buh bye! /wave


So your enjoyment is nuking levelling players in BG now … it’s not very enjoyable for the players trying to level . See it goes both ways


You do realize… twinks didn’t ask for this. So if anything, you guys were the ones saying you wanted the game to be easier, no efforts. I want to nuke players in their heirlooms. I mean you get that right?

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Yeah sorry, that gear treadmill at 101 is so easy too. :roll_eyes:

I didn’t ask for anything. Lolling at you kids who got your ezmode ripped away because you can’t gear in pvp like the rest of us, though.

All my toons are 120. This doesn’t affect me at all. It was the right decision, though.

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Doing it once then being at max efficiency for eternity seems lazy, yes.

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  1. End game and twinking are the same unless you are playing in a tournament versus other skilled/geared people… anybody that says different is just a complete fool/dumb***… end of story… period.

  2. Where are we at with any knowledge of what is actually happening?

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Nothing official has been posted. We have screen shots of 2 GMs saying that separation was not intentional with the patch and that its a bug queues are not popping. Personally, I’m of the opinion that GMs never know whats going on with the game.


Considering I’m currently in group queued for BG with both xp on and off party members, i’m inclined to agree that it’s bugged queues.

Hey that’s news! Create a Thread and put that there. All of the tears about separation may crash the forums. That is news indeed!

Absolutely! We spent the time, effort, and gold. Something, anyone in that bracket could do if they choose to. Why should we be punished with ridiculously long queues for having strong characters?

A vast majority of players of MMORPG’s play to get the feeling of progression. However, Blizzard has removed that feeling by adding mobs that scale to your level, and when you hit max level, mobs that scale to you ilvl. They argue that the scaling isn’t equal to your strength increase, but we all know that’s BS.

Yes, in an MMORPG, if I spend weeks/months grinding for gear/gold to bet better enchants, then I expect my character to be better than your toon that is breezing through my bracket. Honestly, WTF do you even care? If you are really just leveling in heirloom gear, you won’t be in my bracket long anyway… And if you don’t give a crap about non-endgame content, then why does it matter to you?

Blizzard, you are effectively seeking-out and destroying every last in-game feature that actually feels like progression. Your endgame is not fun, and it has nothing to do with difficulty, it has everything to do with the lack of actually making progress. Yes, you can get better gear, but at the end of the season, which is only a few months, it’s all irrelevant. Maybe you can see why staying in one bracket where the only changes are those that I, as the player, bring upon myself with changes to gear/skills/playstyle. That’s progress.

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You can still pvp with levelers, just turn your experience back on.

If you don’t want your investment to go to waste, why are you expecting levelers to go to that effort every. single. bracket?


Blockquote[quote=“Valarien-area-52, post:33, topic:122077”]
If you don’t want your investment to go to waste, why are you expecting levelers to go to that effort every. single. bracket?

What friggen effort? WTH are you talking about. You are leveling, there is no more effort in leveling in WoW! Just put on all those looms and complete a few quests… done.

So friggen what if you occasionally get owned by the players in your bracket who actually put out the effort? This is PVP… not rated PVP. Two totally different things.

If you really wanted balanced, then everyone would have the exact same gear in all pvp matches. Then it’s pure skill.
But you don’t want that, you want to feel different. You just don’t like it when your "different’ is inferior.


Congrats that you enjoy WoW endgame stuff. However; people who twink might not and just enjoy gearing and playing against other geared twinks. It’s pretty much a community so if XPOFF and XPON players are separate again, which didn’t go well the first time, Blizzard is losing a lot of people in that community. At the moment, Blizzard has been losing players recently so it’s a surprising move.

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I have to agree with the spending part . I play a lot of locked toons in multiple brackets and almost every twink I know spends a lot of actual $$ transferring realms- race changes etc to play in the brackets with their online buddies .I would be willing to agree with a poster on a different thread where they said twinks probably spend more actual cash in game the end game people .


As a leveler, I can assure you it’s not much effort. Create heirlooms at level 1. Level to 10. Go to SW or ORG. Get some enchants that stay with the heirlooms as you level. Buy some cheap greens to replace white gear. Queue bg. Earn experience win or lose.


I believe top end raiders have pvpers whooped when it comes to $ money invested. Probably represent about the same % of the player base too. Would explain why the raiders have the loudest voice :nerd_face:

I agree - even easier - have max level character create and enchant heirlooms (so you can use leg and shoulder enchants) and mail them to your leveling toon.

I am a relatively new player and have toons locked at 60 to finish loremaster for base game. I do BGs to break things up and for the rep and achieves they offer at that level.

60 isn’t even the max level for the twink bracket - so now, just because I play the game PvE game at the designed level, I can’t PvP? Or I get put in with a bunch of PvP twink pros?

While folks who are doing nothing but leveling get yet another nerf to an already nerfed and unchallenging leveling system?

Not a fan.

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that’s exactly what separate queues do. you’re welcome

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