Yea I just meant if you said ding now it still wouldn’t matter unless you were part of a guild. I didn’t mind leveling since it was strictly through Bgs. Questing is too tedious for me even if I got a new talent every level.
People just to say it in /1 and get congratted there.
Don’t get me wrong I doubt I’ll dip back into Vanilla more than a quick nostalgia trip but Blizzard seem very aware that the levelling “Experience” sucks.
Not just doing quests or gaining XP, the actual sense of playing the game and feeling like it’s worthwhile.
Assuming people are there.
Yeah and that’s a huge reason why levelling sucks today. There is no reason to ever be in the old zones unless you’re the 1 guy out there levelling solo.
Remember the Legion pre-patch Invasions? That was (to my knowledge) the debut of the level scaling tech used in the open world. They should do things like that permanently. Make them various themes.
There’s been a def shift in player type over the years. We’ve gone from people that grouped up in zones to kill op npcs, grouped up on pvp servers to protect each other, talked in zone general, yelled in SW or IF for people to dun/raid with, chatted in city general or trade, grouped up to raid opposing city, would help if they passed by and saw you getting ganked by 3, etc. etc. ad infinitum ad nauseam.
I blame a lot of this on sharding, lfr/lfg, as well as a certain variety of new player type that is exceedingly self-consumed and lacks the basics of team/faction/group participation.
Fully agree here.
Basically, every change since WOTLK has steadily shifted the target playerbase to where we are now.
This is why I have hope that Blizzard can continue development on the Classic servers EVENTUALLY. I still have faith that Blizzard can develop a game targeted to people like me, rather than the current majority of the playerbase. If they took Classic, which is already designed to my interests, and expanded it in a way that didn’t cater to the newer playerbase, and instead did what people who are interested in Classic wanted, they could really put together an amazing game.
The problem is that people from Classic fully expect Blizzard to “Battle for Azeroth-ize” the classic experience if given the opportunity, which would destroy everything Classic stands for.
That is one of the things I did agree on changing, the original talent trees. You were given the illusion of customization. Yeah, it did feel a little nice putting the point in each time you leveled but you ultimately reached the same path just about every single time.
Looks at old screenshot of the 40k gold I dropped on talent respecs on my main…
Yeah… totally just cookie cutter builds…
Although I was pretty terrible back then and had no interest in optimization besides what felt cool (I though warlocks were a melee hybrid because of Firestones), but I’m only allegedly level 25 on the alleged server and I’m already constantly changing my mind as to how I want my talents.
Pretty much every talent is very impactful from what I’ve seen, from instant shadowbolts, range on drain life, shadowbolt cast time, dazes on destruction spells, stuns on rain of fire, sacrificing demons for better damage, it all seems very interesting and regardless of how endgame PVE talents end up, its still incredibly fun and a great RPG feature.
I can sympathize with that mentality. I’m hoping they leave classic as classic. If I want sharding and all the other community breaking features - I’ll play what’s being referred to as “retail”. They really have taken a super social mmo and turned it into a solo game. The game was so social back in the day, I met my SO of 10 yrs on wow lol. But that’s another story.
Hey I did as well. Going on 9 years now.
Same, thats why I believe that after a while it should be done. Leave Classic how it is for a few years, and you’ll certainly see a lot of population die off. Develop the game with the mentality that you want to appease the people playing there, rather than the people on Retail, and you could really create something special.
Blizzard is good at giving us what we want. Its just that when you’re not in the majority, you don’t get what you want. Money is the game, and they’re good at milking people. I just want to go back to Blizzard WANTING to milk me instead of Panda players who want cute pets.
You’ve met mine in forum posts. Rocax. We still play together. We met on the paladin forum back when. Ret paladin (me) + Holy paladin (him) even have baby paladin lol.
Wonder just how many people have gotten together on this game?
Anything beats a 15/20 level gap of no gains.
Back in vanilla, there was mostly 1 build. There were some “off” builds but they were not common. I knew someone who did what you did, and I’m not saying it’s wrong as it’s your guy, make him the way you want. I’ve seen people go “hybrid” to see if they can make something revolutionary.
That, I will give you. Those who started later on are used to it. Those who were used to getting “something” every level know how it sucks to not have that anymore.
There was mostly 1 build for PVE raid content. Playing WoW in Classic was a lot more than just killing bosses though.
I guess it depends on the class/spec. Most paths for many specs were pretty straight forward. There were many talents that were just not used. Warlock was partially an exception. Affliction was very strong but I don’t know anyone who really used Dark Pact
Not with the debuff count on raid bosses. Affliction was really good for PVP, but you die enough in PVP to not need additional mana or you have a healer to life tap anyway.
Drain Life, at least back then was awesome. Life Tap was never a worry. At least from my experience. shrug