XP turn off ability at lvl 69

but… they scale.
how are they “far too easy”?

there’s clearly something i’m missing here.

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Yes, they scale, but they stop at level 60. They do not scale to level 61, and you’ll level to 63 pretty easily and then all the mobs are green and basically paper.


I will be deleting all lvl 60ish toons.

and they give barely any xp

i’m so confused right now lol

i don’t think we’re on the same wavelength

Go level 60 to 61 in BFA, it’ll be about as fast as DF. Try it out! Then try to queue for the BFA dungeon that’s next in your questline.

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You haven’t tried it so I don’t want to hear from you.

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if that was the case, people would have been doing that instead of sitting on the docks waiting hours for a boat to appear when the expansion launched.

xp is dramatically reduced in BFA/SL beyond 60

Try. It. Out.


When I get back to level seems I will hangout in BFA for a long time.

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i did… when the expansion launched.
and like everyone else, decided the XP wasn’t worth it.

i went and did archaeology instead… and was 1/4 of the way into the level by the time the boats were working.

if leveling 60+ was viable in old content, all the people chucking a fit about dragonriding would be leveling in BFA

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Try it again. How much xp does your level 60 get killing a 60 mob in BFA/SL? Is the answer 350/700 with rested? Yes. That’s less than 600 mobs and you can never queue for the dungeons in your questline again. That’s if you somehow have no rested xp and are very careful not to explore zones, herb/mine/arch, and excluding quest xp.

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Nothing is removed nor disabled for a character who is level 70, so locking your experience has not point but go off I guess… While you’re at it, might as well delete your account and the game!

Itis to make level drops of that level relevant before they become irrelevant.
That is the whole point… But the lot of you just say oh just level up and that item will be worthless when you get higher level. So NO NO NO NO NO!!!

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So, you’re deleting your lvl 69 toons and leveling new toons.

Are you going to delete them at lvl 69 as well?

Not sure will have to decide when I cross that bridge.
If I get all intended drops as one should then no I would not delete
But if a whole swatch of things are missed as a level if doing improper research on stuff toon needs then will be deleted.

The point here is getting what the average players gets and not being left out and maybe yeah getting that rare drop once in a while.

This is the most stupid thread I have read and totally wasted time reading it.




In the end I am happier for it.
Fresh content gets nerf the quickest and time gates so rerolling also avoids that.
Oh you want to time gate me? Screw that reroll.

There’s so many layers to this one line.

This is gold.