XP turn off ability at lvl 69

Yep so now I delete my toon all because of low IQ logic but that is ok.

I get to relive the cool moments.

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What do you mean by this


Yes chef!


Does not compute!


My brain can only process so much irony at once…


Someone forgot to perform the correct task for the Feast.

No credit for them!


XP disable was disabled in stormwind.
So out of protest I deleted my level 69 hunter.
I will now reroll and create a new hunter.
I will play how I will play and not be dictated by some low brow person who thinks it is just only for twinking.

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Yea they should bring the XP lock npc back, was weird to remove it

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They removed that undead guy that you go to and turn your exp off?

Just checked my level 61 warrior… XP is also turned off at level 61

I am now deleted my warrior and everything in it.

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What do you mean by “XP was disabled in stormwind”?

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you can go into the castle in stormwind. at the king make a right turn… that is the pvp room. as you enter look to the left and a rogue is there. He is the one to turn off XP
But now XP turn off is disabled.
My warrior is my oldest toon and has been around since vanilla.
So yes deleting my vanilla age warrior.

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it’s turned on.


there is no ability to disable XP from level 60

…probably because people would disable XP and do all the quests to get the rewards, then go to enable XP and complain that they have to grind mobs and world quests for 10 levels.


Well, thank you for that information I had no clue.

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Oh yes, the reason is as stated below…after lvl 60, you are intended to go to 70 and into DF. Not XP pause and them “abuse” things not intended otherwise. You have to pause xp at lvl 59.

It used to have a nice purpose to disable it then run instances where time and time again other people got their drops but you never got the ability to get your needed drops.

One time for 2 years in a raid or in instances I could never get my needed drops
so I resorted to xp turn off so I can get the drops I need but this was years past back when healers would need on plate and stuff and back when we had a bad case of ninjas

So I will reroll my toons


Well, best of luck to you, I hope it all works out for you.


I dont understand cant you run it at max level ?

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People abused it to power-level others for gold through twinking dungeons as the min llvl possible but broken stats, practicallt solo’ing the dungeon. Blame them.