XP turn off ability at lvl 69

Pure gold I may add.
Gonna nerf my play style so I will reroll.
Away from all the time gating and just dealing with old content that does not have any issues.

I did, quests give about 1000xp in BFA at 60 9000xp in DF.
Yes you can still do BFA dungeons at 60 but questing is definitely not equal to DF.

1000xp means you have to be level 61 after 194 quests. But itā€™s not the quests, itā€™s the mobs. Well, itā€™s partly the quests, but the mobs give the same xp as they do in df and itā€™s way too fast.

Regardless of the speed, which is still problematic, you are fighting against people having fun for NO reason. The speed being 0 hurts nobody.

What I was trying to determine is how does one go about becoming a level 72 hunter?
Took a minute for me to see it was Classic.

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no, they donā€™t.

XP in DF


XP in BFA:

70-80, i even killed a rare, which still only gave 350 with restedā€¦ less than half of a singular regular DF mob.

This is on a level 61 character.

Clearly Iā€™m still not understanding somethingā€¦

These pretzels are making, ME, thirsty!

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:pretzel: :beers:

ā€¦and now i feel like iā€™ve been super-trolled into wasting time proving a point, when everyone already knew that the xp was massively reduced in old content beyond 60. :confounded:


I just had a Kramer moment. Itā€™s all good. :+1:

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I really enjoy my grilled cheese a little on the burnt side. The cheese with burnt edges of bread is a great pairing. Sometimes I put things like bologna, pickles, or other things in it before cooking. Itā€™s completely yummy!

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Youā€™re understanding just fine. OP and Rita arenā€™t making much sense.

You can still lock XP at 59 if you want to experience BfA in all its glory too.

OPā€™s issue is he couldnā€™t lock XP at 69, which makes 0 sense.


Sounds like he wanted a pvp twink and is mad he canā€™t if I had to take a wild guess.

At level 69.

What is there to even twink with.

Like I said, shot in the dark here. That, or, he just doesnā€™t wanna hit 70 and is mad about it. Op made no sense to me :woman_shrugging:

Uahā€¦ Youā€™re only fighting yourself hereā€¦

Yeah, which is the part that makes no sense.

Sounds like someone just wanting attention.

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I am totally guilty of doing this more times than I can remember. :yum:

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You cant fire me I quit!

Youā€™re not being time gated.

I think sheā€™s talking about doing Shadowlands content to 61, not BfA. I donā€™t think they are scaled the same since BfA stopped at 50 until DF launched.