XP Off change was indeed intentional

I laughed way too hard over this.

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Ehh you were playing the least buttons you could by twinking.

Juga you are so twink friendly for someone that has never twinked in her life. Always an agenda.

You just need to look at the army of level 20ā€™s being formed to see that it is still a thing, and oh they love it. They canā€™t wait to twink up that level 20 with no payment on the account. Easy street.

Ahh a twink that at last tells the truth. Iā€™ll give you that.

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Twinks are not out of the game XP off was nerfed from leveling bgs. Join all your mates at level 20. Even better donā€™t pay for the account, itā€™s amazing. So we helped you.

Yeah, honestly sounds like a fun way to play. And Iā€™d rather play against you while you do that than play against someone with a ton of no longer obtainable grandfathered better-than-BiS. shrug

I just couldnā€™t let this go. You do realizeā€¦him playing like thatā€¦is BiS or near BiS in many lower brackets right? Even then, I think you guys underestimate how easy it is to decently gear(not BiS, but levelers with empty slots and low gear wont stand a chance yet still) a character. My 110+ get showered with marks of honor, you can easily just take those and use maybe 2k gold to get all your gear and most enchants. Heirlooms which are just as good up to a certain level stave off the cost even more. Grandfathered gear cannot be better than BiS because it would be BiS lol. Also, grandfathered gear doesnā€™t mean much(unless its a set gear in rare circumstances) as now dungeon and quest gear can ilvl proc and they upped the general ilvl of gear. You would be better off facing against the twink wearing grandfathered gear than now. Especially since with this play-style, they have no hang ups and nothing to lose, little to none in community. If this gets popular, I wish you good luck, because without templates and micro-managing in lower levels there is little Blizzard could do to stop this.


Honestly, it did surprise me that blizzard changed it back, but are we going to go back and forth. Is next expansion going to merge expon/off together Again? what about next patch? Not sure. I brought this up in another post, but its rediculous. Why not find another solution to this issue of twinks ganking other twinks? Some of us love pvping whenever we want to, and not complain about getting killed by others, just because they whine and have to have everything squeaky clean. I just wish blizzard would find another solution. Putting xpoff players in a separate bracket didnā€™t work last time in wrath of the lich king, and it wont work this time either. They got everyones hopes up in legion and i could pvp any time i wanted to again, and now i cant again. Oh well. here is to hoping an actual change gets made that satisfies more people on both sides. the exp on/off separation willl yield the same results as last time, almost a guarantee. It was fun to experiment with different talents and skills and abilities and do some theory crafting deciphering the differences between how i play in one bracket, and how that playstyle changes in 20 lvls with a couple new spells from legion to 8.15bfa, but ill probably leave this alone again for a while. There is no consistency anymore with the changes made to this game. Please blizzard, offer a solution that might actually work for low lvl pvp and unfair ganking and junk. for casual players and people who actually work, its to much effort to pvp low lvls with your exp turned off now. More practical solution is needed.

Unless templates are added again, no.

Only reason twinks were reintroduced was because of templates, and without templates they had to be separated again.

Why not just make a new Allied race, pop on some heirlooms, play through BGs, level through the BGā€™s, make a new allied race, rinse and repeat?

I mean, if you love low level BGā€™s for the competition and NOT to steamroll everyone else and be crazy OP then why should it matter?

Lots of people do this. But they DO steamroll. If you pick a OP spec for the 20-29 bracket (arcane mage, resto sham, resto druid, any hunter, fury war) and you BIS enchant those heirlooms, you most definitely will stomp the majority.

As a side note to blizzard; why do healers (shaman, druid) do more damage than their dps counterparts in this bracket? Itā€™s so incredibly broken. Seriously go play a few games 20-29. Or even just look at the tooltips between flameshock (resto) and flameshock (elemental) for example.


Iā€™d rather they just leave lower levels a crap show, Iā€™d be mad if they made some changes just to effect lower level balance and it resonated to max level.

with that logic they should have never done anything to begin with


Right? Thatā€™s why I said twinks should just stay. Itā€™s already a :poop: show.

Yeah like removing twinks from the 19 and 29 bracket were going to make a difference. Just change ā€œTwinkā€ To ā€œdruidā€ and the same problems exist.

Yep, my point exactly.

Yeah and its not as fun as twinking BGs. Twinks did nothing wrong!

Youā€™re right. They didnā€™t break any rules what-so-ever. That, I totally agree with.

The adult who chooses to stay in the beginner MMA class where kids are because he knows itā€™s easy wins was not breaking any rules either.

Both are totally 100% legit. Unfortunately, Blizzard seems to disagree.

Hyperbole never wins a debate but keep it up.
Those complaining about twinks can easily level past the brackets theyre in but they choose to complain instead and cause more players to unsub. Blizz caters to the wrong crowd in pve and pvp