Shouldn’t this be at least somewhat of a non-issue now that quest items can warforge?
Lolololol for serious you make so much up. I found the exacr opposite. The majority of people were in favor of disabling gems and combined ques.
And twinks were reasonable ones?!?!??
Seriously untrue I am actually laughing out loud right now. So far from the truth.
I don’t even quest or dungeon and have np keeping my gear up to par.
They were wrong, you can queue, it’ll just take a few more minutes.
If you don’t see the difference between mythics and BGs, I honestly don’t know how to help you.
Do we have statistic to show how often this happens? Has anyone credible gathered enough data to draw a reasonable hypothesis?
Yea, you’re new to this topic. I was the one who came up with the gem idea months and months ago but it wasn’t good enough at the time.
Depending on bracket, some are not getting queues. Which is what I called all along
It is the same concept!
You gear for the situation. If you come in to a battleground with bad gear you are a liability to that team, period.
Can i go in and kill mythic bosses in my quest greens? No? Why not? Liability to the team. I can’t output enough damage to contribute.
Same exact concept.
After 2 days, there’s probably not enough data to draw a conclusion on % chance to proc warforged items from quests…although there are several screenshots on the xpoff forums of people getting rare and epic upgrades. This is also a good example of how gear disparity between twinks and non-twinks would naturally be more leveled as people progress through levels.
That would make sense if you were talking about higher rated BGs, which would be comparable to Mythic.
Randoms are the LFR of BGs.
New to the topic? Lol what? I was posting about twinks way before this happened
The only people it wasn’t good enough for when it was suggested was the twinks. You know, because they were the reasonable ones?!?!
They could still rock full raid sets and be stronger than everyone else but that wasn’t enough for them.
Seriously you’ve been trolling the non twinks the entire time and supporting the hilariously irrational people. Then you wonder why the national people give you dumb responses. Just hilarious
And even LFR has a minimum Ilvl to participate.
Gearing while leveling up a toon is far different than gearing up a max level toon for a mythic raid. That’s comparing apples to Chevrolet. You can go into a BG in average gear and be useful. You may not be as scale-tilting as a twink but those were the right-skewed outliers and they’ve been placed with other outliers.
It’ll be nice to see how often it happens from credible sources, not those who post things here and are obviously bias.
What’s the minimum ilvl for a leveling BG?
But it’s still true none the less. BGs are player vs player, whether low level or max level. If you come into a pvp situation unprepared, expect to get pounced.
Yes, new to this group. You didn’t start posting until what, less than a month ago?
Probably because we were down this road a couple months ago and it got nowhere with the people who were just mad about twinks.
Not at all. Like I said, I was the one who suggested the gem change a long time ago, way before you joined in.
There isn’t 1, but maybe there should be.
Good news Leomoon. You’re going to love this. Blizzard actually changed it so those people who are trying to queue with inappropriate gear for battlegrounds will no longer be impacting your experience by being a liability to your team.
I knew people with twinks would be very excited to hear about this.
Can you give more details please?
Maybe there should. Make a suggestion to Blizzard. But know this, if it happens, I would bet a dollar that the minimum would allow green gear as that’s the norm for leveling up.
Green gear is better than no gear/white gear.
Blizzavision doesn’t give a crap about what their customers want.