Somebody started it back up, not me, I’m just replying to some recent posts.
Why are they ignoring the pages of pages of feedback on the Heirloom and the xp from dungeons?
Exactly, I mean they said recently they want to fix leveling since they realize it is still a steaming pile of crap… So, they need to re-evaluate the current dungeon problems.
They never should have changed it to begin with due to 7.3.5 less people run dungeons and one high level person cannibalize exp players earn making runs a waste of time and effort.
Why is it im forced into world content i have done 1billion times when id rather go through dungeons to level. Its at the point that you are wasting your time in a dungeon because you could be leveling faster in the world doing normal quest… If anything they should both be comparable BUT even then they are both to slow.
Leveling prior to 7.3.5 was fantastic and quick and it wasnt a hassle to level a new class. NOW? RIght now!? Id rather lick a window. I dont understand the logic point as a consumer of increasing the level cap and increasing the amount of xp needed AT EVERY LEVEL… Or decreasing the amount gained how ever you (blizzard) ruined it. Now as a business owner i completely understand seeing as im sure your race changes and character boost are out the roof. Speaking of a race change is 30$ the price of a not to old but a fairly new game. A character boost to 110… 60$ the price of a new game… So you blizzard are telling me that a brand spanking new 110 with all green gear is worth a BRAND NEW GAME!? mkay…
Look l love this game and the devs who brought me so many amazing years. This new stuff you guys are doing just sucks the soul outa me.
Also another thing… IF they are listening and reading the feedback. Why are we not getting any sort of response or at the very least acknowledgement that it is being worked on. Even if its not top priority but just so the people know they are being heard rather than mindlessly throwing stuff into patches with no mention into the patch notes.
You don’t want the answer but I will clue you in just in case you didn’t know; This thread was started as a sticky asking for our feedback and after a period of time it was unstickied and simply ignored and why was it all ignored?
Because this thread was merely a containment thread to stop everyone from creating topic threads of their own and creating a mess in the forums, Just google “Containment Thread” and see for yourself.
Oh and there is also another containment thread that a Blizzard CM started just here recently involving the portals being removed/moved in patch 8.1.5; Same thing, Created to keep the complaints confined to that thread and to keep other topic threads on the issue from popping up everywhere.
Everything that was done was to increase the players time to achieve their objectives; What other reason could there be?
Look up “Confinement Thread” on the internet and I think you will be enlightened.
Also boosting isn’t worth it due to price and that they removed the increase to professions along with it so if you boost and were looking forward to skipping the greenhorn side of profession good luck.
Yeah I fully agree and to think this was their intent to make leveling more tedious in hopes that they would sell more boosts imho; When if they just would put more effort in adding “FUN” content to do while leveling would make people enjoy leveling more.
One or the other, “Add things to make the game more “FUN” while leveling” Or let those of us that have already experienced their “BIG WORLD AS THEY CALL IT” rewarded by allowing faster leveling, For each character leveled speed up our leveling process depending on how many we have leveled,
Or boost our heirlooms stats & xp gain % after all “WE SPENT ENOUGH GAME GOLD FOR THEM”!
But most importantly stop treating us players like we are idiots and pretending that we won’t notice that you are doing these things in game so that it will take us longer to accomplish our goals because we do know.
Appreciate your constant commitment to this thread honestly. I wish blizzard had the same conviction. I am faithfully here because i would love to see change in a better direction. The current state of the game is play meta classes and be on the horde. Ohh and if you would like to level just make sure to have a water bottle next to you so you can get some extra saliva to lick them windows.
You know I never was one to go to these forums at all that is until Blizzard offered the pre-purchase of BFA and allowed leveling of the new races. And as I was leveling my New Void Elf Warlock I noticed that everything was harder to kill and progression had slowed to a standstill almost and it was then when I found this thread and others like it that I began being a voice o the forums.
I very seldom play this game and do not give them my money I just buy tokens with game gold to keep this sub active in hopes that Blizzard will come to their senses and do what’s right by us their customers but it’s not looking like that’s going to happen as all I see them do is make changes more and more to make us take longer to achieve our goals.
In the long run it’s just going to hurt them more and more as I watch guilds grow empty and friends lists bleed out, Realms that used to be full and alive are now low in population and some have become new player realms.
It’s sad to see a game that once was at the top of all the others go down towards the bottom and for what you ask? Corporate Greed!
A bottle of water won’t cut it for me, I need something more to go through this grindfested mess; A nice cold and keep 'em coming because with me being a casual player it will take me a month or two of /played time to get this character leveled. Oh and just forget about crafting professions because the almighty Blizzard Development Team guided by their master who likes to dictate how we play the game saw to it that most almost all of them are useless.
I hope Ornyx is doing alright. Awful shame what happened.
And first in 2020.
Rip Orynx, pruned by Blizzard executives whilst making record profits.
Shameful company.
What happened?
They just decided to let Ornyx go?
Pruning happened. Blizzards customer service got pruned.
Greed happened**
You really went to the bottom of the trashcan to dig this old thread up. One year later
can u make longer dungen get me more X P pont ?
“My Post makes its purpose.”
( How do you like the new Dungeon System? )