XP From Dungeons

Hi all,

From WoW’s earliest days, we’ve always had to take steps to limit experience gains for characters when grouped with someone of a drastically higher level. We recently became aware of a bug introduced in 7.3.5: a side-effect of the vastly expanded creature scaling was causing the logic to break when awarding XP in some situations. Earlier today, we applied a hotfix to creature experience that corrects this issue.

At the same time, we have significantly increased the experience awarded through queuing for random Normal dungeons from Classic through Draenor content. Running dungeons at the appropriate should feel rewarding, whether as a complement to or even an complete alternative to questing.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and will continue to keep a close eye on the pacing of the leveling experience in 7.3.5 and beyond.
Can we please have alternate options for earning the heritage armor? Challenging options in current content would be ideal.
Anyone got some numbers on the queue exp increase? I'm feeling really doubtful on it actually being significant.

EDIT: Dungeon Bonus on my 32 Shaman is 22400. I need 85600 to level. 26.16% per dungeon. I don't know what it was before.

Update: According to my friend leveling right now, dungeons actually feel pretty rewarding. He got 2 levels going thru The Deadmines. It is too soon to tell, but since I have a front page post, I thought I would share.
So that feedback you want?

I came back to WoW in 7.3.5 after leaving during TOS. I decided to roll alliance on a PVE realm after spending a lot of time on Emerald Dream.

I've leveled a DK to 110 and a monk to 101. It was not too bad. I had a 90 boost I used on a rogue who is 110. I powerleveled a Shadow Priest with this "broken logic." Whenever my friends were not online to power level me, I quested with my priest because I thought it might be the class for me for this raid tier and I wanted that heritage armor.

At first, I was a firm believer in this patch. I honestly enjoyed leveling being more of an immersive experience and praised it quite a lot to all of my friends. If there is a way, you can look at my account, you'll see that the same 3 guys I always play with when a new expansion is released are playing again because I praised it so much. We all liked it aside from one guy. Here's the thing though blizz. We've re-experienced WoW leveling and that was great because it was broken before. It WAS great..... once. It's not fun anymore, at all. I am all for making heirlooms earned somehow by doing things level appropriate and appreciating the game for what it is. In fact, I would put forth that the vast majority of players playing today did not have a good leveling experience due to everything being one-shottable for so long.

In my eyes, you have to find a happy medium. I know in the designers hearts (not the financial guys who obviously want to sell more boosts) they want people to experience the world that has been carved out in the past decade. I wanted to and I did. Now I don't want to do it again. I propose new heirloom gear much like the Heritage armor. If you slog through this new leveling, you get a trinket with super exp gains or something.
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Wow that's not vague at all? >.>
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How significant are we talking?

Also, are there plans to add more to the leveling process, other than scaling?
It wasnt broke, so Blizzard went ahead and 'fixed' it.

02/14/2018 04:26 PMPosted by Arnn
Anyone got some numbers on the queue exp increase? I'm feeling really doubtful on it actually being significant.

This being Blizzard, I'd be surprised if it was larger than 10%.
02/14/2018 04:27 PMPosted by Saltedpork
Wow that's not vague at all? >.>

The point is that diminishing returns on XP if large level gaps exist in a party has *always* been a thing and it was simply bugged in dungeons after 7.3.5. So, they were fixing a bug, first; time will tell whether the XP boost on random dungeon completions is enough to placate those unhappy with it.
02/14/2018 04:26 PMPosted by Arnn
Anyone got some numbers on the queue exp increase? I'm feeling really doubtful on it actually being significant.
I assume it will be "significant" as in the same amount as you get if you are questing in the world, so with full heirlooms about third a level an hour. Have fun!
The high-levels running dungeons for lowbies fix was inevitable, but holy heck the incoming tears... o.o Sated, perhaps, by the dungeon exp buff, which of course people will complain "isn't nearly enough" since Blizz fixed the only "viable" way to level alts.

Thanks for both fixes! Time to level some alts!
You "appreciate our feedback" lmao

You're "going to keep a close eye on pacing"

Why start now?

How about you start taking responsibilty for the fact this entire patch was a rushed untested mess instead of making comically terrible attempts to make it out like these are just things that "fell through the cracks"
I kinda liked carrying my friend's alts though dungeons. Oh well..
02/14/2018 04:28 PMPosted by Tyberim
It wasnt broke, so Blizzard went ahead and 'fixed' it.
02/14/2018 04:19 PMPosted by Ornyx
As always, we appreciate your feedback and will continue to keep a close eye on the pacing of the leveling experience in 7.3.5 and beyond.

No, you really won't keep a close eye on anything.
02/14/2018 04:19 PMPosted by Ornyx
As always, we appreciate your feedback and will continue to keep a close eye on the pacing of the leveling experience in 7.3.5 and beyond.

The feedback has been players pretty much screaming at you for months that leveling is too slow after 7.3.5.

I cannot reconcile the quoted statement with the continued nerfs to leveling speed.

(edit: power leveling discord server = https://discord.gg/NbB5rHs
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Logic WAS NOT broken. XP functioned in dungeons with power leveling the way it has FOR YEARS.

This is just PR nonsense. Do tell us how your "xp logic" was doing anything any different than it ever had? You can't and won't because it wasn't.

You just killed power leveling because you don't want people leveling in anything resembling a reasonable amount of time no matter how many times they've done it before or whether or not they've seen your precious precious quests.

I truly hope people will see this crap for what it is and just STOP making alts.
Wait...a bug? Something that for YEARS now people have been doing, is now suddenly a bug? :| ok.
Yeah but you still 'hid' the Dungeon XP nerf from the actual patch notes.

It's your game, your rules. But you don't get to say you want feedback and discourse only to then turn around and say 'nah, screw it, not interested.' There's absolutely no point in ASKING for feedback in the first place.

Irrespective of intent it's coming across as you guys (Probably not you, blue poster) trying to avoid having a discourse with us about things. There's literally no feedback being taken into account and every avenue people have used to level at a speed they feel happy with has been nerfed.

For those who enjoy slow levelling I'm happy for you. But for those of us on our eight, ninth or tenth alt ..well there should be an option for us, too, that isn't like pulling teeth. That was having a friend carry us. That was having heirlooms. That was RAF award. Now those are gone. Now what?

You guys should know better but you keep doing this stuff. People are screaming at you via constant posts about how levelling feels bad for them. There are obviously folk who are enjoying this new system but for those of us who want to make our way through it at good speed Heirlooms and dungeon carries should NOT have been nerfed. All you're doing is building ill will towards yourselves - and for no relatable reason.

02/14/2018 06:42 PMPosted by Iszybella

You have made leveling take too long. You have given enemies too much health. You have slowed the leveling process to a crawl and no one should be getting punished by using exploits to try and get around that. People want to dungeon chain. People want their heirlooms to be strong so they can level quickly. It is the explicit god damn purpose of them - so you can blow through old content. We paid for them. We paid to upgrade them. We want to be able to quickly level. We want to be able to dungeon chain. And we will not be able to dungeon chain - it will not be viable again - until enemy health is reduced and the pointless heirloom nerf is reverted.

The GOOD is that I can quest in any zone I want (within reason) up until certain brackets. I LOVE that I can actually finish Westfall if I want to, or go there at level 50. What I don't like is how long it takes to hit a level. It's too arduous.
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Stop caveing.

If it ain't broke, dont fix it.
Nope, don't believe this for a second. This patch came out on January 16th. It's the 14th of February now. So you're trying to make people believe that this was bugged? For a month? Are you insane? So, okay, let's say we believe you, and it was bugged. You left it unchecked for an entire month.. Okay. Do you do that with every bug that is encountered? Or is it the fact that it started to get traction that this was faster than the new questing, and that isn't how you want people to play the game, so now you're changing it.

If you are "keeping an eye on pacing" why in gods name has 60-80 been left untouched. It's worse than outlands was prior to this patch. For an extra 10 levels.

EDIT: God let's not forget the fact that whoever posted the hotfix notes, LEFT THIS OUT? If it was genuinely broken, you'd put it in the hotfix notes, just like everything else that is genuinely broken. No?
02/14/2018 04:29 PMPosted by Thecheat
02/14/2018 04:27 PMPosted by Saltedpork
Wow that's not vague at all? >.>

The point is that diminishing returns on XP if large level gaps exist in a party has *always* been a thing and it was simply bugged in dungeons after 7.3.5. So, they were fixing a bug, first; time will tell whether the XP boost on random dungeon completions is enough to placate those unhappy with it.

This patently false. I have power levelled characters with max level characters for YEARS and the impact on XP was always minimal, not a 90% reduction.

Stop spreading misinformation. Nothing was obviously broken at any level I tested - mob XP was about what it has always been and this is just more nonsense they've spewed out to cover their latest ridiculousness.
In order to make these changes even worth still doing random queues with people you don't know (as most dungeons take 15-30mins for some people to finish), you would have to be gaining about 2-3 levels a dungeon, which is not happening, not to mention this doesn't take into account the queue times for DPS.