They really need to revert these awful changes or take the advice of others who have posted alternatives that could make the entire player base happy; There’s plenty of GREAT ideas that could be implemented to make the entire player base happy that are within this thread; I mean if other competitor’s games can do it why can’t the developers of Warcraft as well?
Sadly though I haven’t seen any of the ideas that the players have suggested within this thread implemented nor have there been any direct comments in this thread from anyone from Blizzard in response to all the feedback that they asked for when Blizzard first started this thread; It’s just sad that they think so little of our ideas that they won’t even respond to any of them.
Well it seems Blizzard doesn’t care whether we stay or leave…… Most that posted in this thread are long gone; Only about 6 more weeks left on my sub and I will be too… Warcraft was GREAT in it’s day but Corporate Greed has taken over it now.
I only have 75hrs left on my sub and my will to keep playing is starting to die I still don’t have the drive to level up any other races or classes or so much as even touch my allied races and it’s not helping Blizzards case with Smash bros and RE2 taking up my time let alone KHIII releasing soon.
Might as well give up on it; They’ve not posted anything since they themselves started this thread asking for feedback (Which has some good ideas within it that would make the entire player base happy). The thing is Blizzard isn’t happy with what ideas the players have came up with because in their eyes it doesn’t pad their pockets.
Sadly they’re not looking at the big picture and that is a happy player base means more will want to play but not in this Grindfest of a mess they have made this game into; They’ve taken leveling FUN out of the game.
What I want to know is what exactly is everyones issue? Is it the scaling or the leveling speed? The scaling I agree with, I hate how it FEELS to level but as far as speed I got a Lightforged Draenei to 93 in 28 hours /played and a Void Elf to 98 in 24 hours /played this week. I stopped just because I wanted to get them to 91 for Timewalking. I’ll probably get better times on my Kul Tiran since I know what mistakes I was making. I got my Highmountain Tauren to 110 in 2d8h /played but wasn’t going for speed with him.
Its the scaling for many and I agree. I have a level 70 high mountain that I have gave up on mostly, been that level for a while now.
I haven’t answered back because I was hoping for more comments from others and really hope that blizzard would hear us, guess not.
I don’t mind new and yes its hard for humans to change when THEY believe its working. Its not working and maybe blizzard needs fresh new eyes on many of these topics to maybe make changes. Many business will bring in new people to look at things with fresh eyes and ideas. Maybe blizzard should do that.
End of dungeon bonuses were changed for a specific reason from what I read in a thread either on reddit, or polygon(tinfoil hat time lol). Was not long after they made the change when I read it, so don’t remember exactly which site it was on. It seems that the end of dungeon bonus was scaling with your level( intended at the time, or unintended idk).
Anyways folks would start picking specific dungeons instead of random finder to get the dungeons that had the less trash since mob xp is pretty much nonexistent to get the dungeon over with faster for the big end of dungeon bonus. I guess it was another way for higher level players to run their buddies through dungeons without getting slammed with the xp penalty idk.
I do not see what is wrong with this. This system even exist in Diablo 3. This system of helping your friends speed level or what ever you would like to call has been around since the beginning of WOW. The leveling system right now is atrocious.
I can not enjoy playing the terrible class designs for longer than 12 hours and STILL i only hit lvl 55. TWELEVE HOURS! LEVEL 55. That is of me questing and queuing for dungeons. I used to love playing the game and making alt to get to end game quickly and redo the process of gearing on Horde and alliance. Especially during legion when you would get to 110 and get a bad legendary. OH WELL just go make a new toon and level quickly with the Heirlooms I bought specifically for this purpose!
It has been 15 days since the last post in this thread i still refuse to let this threat die. Please for the love of everything that is right with this game put the leveling back to the way it was before the BFA changes. It is a slow tortuous hell.
It would be nice if they would revert their changes but they aren’t as a CM responded on another thread on this issue that they didn’t know how to prevent players from what was called “Soaking” up XP while a higher level ran them through the dungeons even though it had been going on for what? 14 Years!?!?!?
The CM reported that the Devs didn’t know how to prevent power leveling in dungeons until patch 7.3.5 but I don’t believe it personally; Look at it this way back when BC was released they had twinks leaving in droves because the Devs started making them earn XP in battlegrounds; They immediately put stop XP earning guys in the war rooms where players could elect to earn XP or not.
My point is that if the Devs could alter the XP back then they could have also altered the “XP FROM DUNGEONS” back then as well; They knew power leveling was going on for many years it wasn’t until they had upper management changes that they decided to put a stop to it so it would increase the time it takes to level, Just as they hold back on flying during the start of every Xpac now so it will take players longer to level; Padding the pockets even more for them and their time metrics B/S.
Sadly I feel this is true… Even worse with the new Zandalari Trolls coming out soon i will force my self to slog through all the leveling just to have one of every class… It is unfortunate that Actiblizz has us who dislike the changes, ranging from xp all the way down to gcd and class design. They actually and almost physically have us by the b*lls. EVEN worse we are paying to have that privileged all because most of us just love the game we all grew up playing or it has gotten us through hard times.
I agree and just like many other tedious changes that Blizzard has made to improve their “Time Metrics” since this thread was started by a CM employee for Blizzard/Activision in February 2018; I don’t believe they will take any of the “Feedback” that is within this thread that they asked for from the players “Their Paying Customers” implemented or even considered imho.
What’s funny is I get more xp picking flowers now, and mining ore, than actually using my abilities on my action bar killing mobs, if I happen to be grouped up with a higher level friend lol. These devs are clueless hahaha.
When you’re grouped with players your same level you should but what most players are griping about in this thread is when we could power level by having a high level player running players through dungeons that was allowed for 14 years but stopped in patch 7.3.5; I did have a CM tell me on another thread that the Devs could not figure out how to stop this until the 7.3.5 patch.
And the leveling speed while questing in certain zones especially like WoD’s NPC’s that have some in areas that are nearly impossible to defeat.
Also the amount of stats our heirloom gear has now vs regular gear and azurite gear as the below post explains.
They know now because you just told them; they do monitor and change what speeds up our leveling. That’s how they found out about the other things players found that allowed leveling faster, Like the Karahan trash & B.C. heroics players were able to solo and gain levels quicker, Players started telling others on the forums and the Devs read it and put a stop to it.